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Centro de material e esterilização, Segurança, Qualidade, Serviços de saúde.

How to Cite

de Araújo, L. C. S., Portugal, W. M., da Silva, E. W., Silva, R. L. B. A., Pereira, V. G., da Silva, A. C. R., Lucena, J. R. J., Sarmento, T. P., Valença, C. S. A. de A., Ramalho, C. L. de S., & Neves, G. B. C. (2023). THE IMPACT OF MATERIAL AND STERILIZATION CENTERS ON THE SAFETY AND QUALITY OF HEALTH SERVICES. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(4), 42–57.


The CME is the functional unit of the hospital environment responsible for processing the critical, semi-critical and non-critical PPS, subject to processing. The study aims to address the main aspects related to Sterile Material Centers and their impact on the safety and quality of health services. This is an integrative literature review, the search for study materials was carried out in June 2023 in the databases: LILACS, SciELO and PubMed. The following DeCS were used: “Quality of Health Care”; “Safety” and “Sterilization Center”, which were combined with the Boolean operator “AND” in the intersection. For discussion purposes, the survey was divided into 4 categories: CSSD functions and processes; Quality and safety control at the CME; Technology and innovations at CME and Training and qualification of CME staff. It is concluded that the MSC plays a fundamental role in health services, being metaphorically compared to the heart of a hospital. Because, just as the heart is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body, the CME is responsible for processing and providing essential materials for proper care and the functioning of health services.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Lais Carvalho Silva de Araújo, Wanuska Munique Portugal, Edson Wanderley da Silva, Rafael Lucas Barros Abreu Silva, Victor Guilherme Pereira, Ana Claudia Rodrigues da Silva, Jhenniffer Roberta Jorge Lucena, Thaís Poeta Sarmento, Carmen Silvia Arraes de Alencar Valença, Cibele Lopes de Santana Ramalho, Giselda Bezerra Correia Neves