The Questionnaire as a Methodological Tool
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Empirical Research, Surveys and Questionnaires, Data Collection, Qualitative Research, Methods.

How to Cite

Bastos, J. E. de S., Sousa, J. M. de J., Silva, P. M. N. da, & Aquino, R. L. de. (2023). The Questionnaire as a Methodological Tool: potentialities and challenges. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(3), 623–636.


Introduction: A questionnaire is a set of questions, which follow a logical sequence, about variables and circumstances that one wants to measure or describe in scientific research. Objective: To carry out a literature review to investigate the use of the questionnaire as a methodological tool with a view to its potentialities and challenges in the academic field. Material and Method: This is a bibliographic review in the Google Scholar database and in the Virtual Health Library (VHL) from 2005 to 2023. The inclusion criteria were articles published in English and Portuguese; full articles available in full; approach to the central theme of the research. Literature Review: Historically, questionnaires have been the predominant option for collecting information and in recent decades, there has been a decrease in response rates and an increase in technological development and use of the internet, which has driven the emergence and adoption of online questionnaires. Final Considerations:Regarding the use of the questionnaire, it should be noted that it offers benefits such as greater geographic reach, convenience and automation and challenges related to the response rate and representativeness of the sample, in addition to offering different options according to the needs of the researcher as well as the identification, recognition and validation of authors and their scientific contributions.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Jennifer Ester de Sousa Bastos, Julia Maria de Jesus Sousa, Pollyana Mattias Narciso da Silva, Rafael Lemes de Aquino