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Casos, Epidemiologia, Etiologia, Evolução, Meningites

How to Cite

Fernandez, R., & Sakurada, R. Y. (2023). ANÁLISE ETIOLÓGICA, EPIDEMIOLÓGICA E EVOLUTIVA DOS CASOS DE MENINGITE NO MUNICÍPIO DE CASCAVEL-PR. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(3), 501–529.


Introduction: The term meningitis expresses the occurrence of an inflammatory process involving the connective membranes that cover the Central Nervous System (hereinafter CNS). This can be caused by several factors, non- infectious or infectious. Infectious meningitis can be generated by several pathogenic microorganisms, such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa and helminths. Among them, bacterial and viral etiologies are the most important from a public health point of view, due to the magnitude of their occurrence and potential to produce outbreaks. As a result, it becomes an important public health problem worldwide and nationally it is considered an endemic disease, being part of the group of diseases with compulsory notification to SINAN. Objective: The quantification of meningitis cases and the analysis of their evolution - according to the etiology - are intended to determine a pattern in the behavior of the disease in the city of Cascavel-Pr and the examination of epidemiological variables aims to establish the municipal indicators of the disease. Methodology: The present study, in a retrospective way, will perform the tabulation of public data - referring to SINAN and available on the TABNET/DATASUS platform - about the incidence, epidemiological variables and the evolution of reported cases of meningitis in the municipality of Cascavel-Pr between the years 2017-2021. In addition, analytically, it will relate the results obtained with the behavior of the etiological subtypes of the disease. Results and conclusion: Therefore, by providing analyzes of the etiology, epidemiology and evolution of meningitis at the municipal level, the study demonstrated the similarity in the behavior of the disease in relation to the national standard, as well as individualities attributed to the socio-environmental particularities of the city of Cascavel- PR .
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Rafael Fernandez, Rogério Yassuaki Sakurada