Introduction: Scientific productions and publications play a fundamental role in the advancement of knowledge and scientific development, they result from research and studies carried out by scientists, academics and specialists in different areas of knowledge, attributing them to authorship according to their contributions. Objective: To carry out a literature review to investigate the elements of authorship and collaboration in scientific productions and their identification instruments. Material and Method: A search was carried out in the current literature, pertinent to the researched subject, having as methodological framework the recommendations for the conduct, reports, edition, publication of academic work in medical journals of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). Literature Review: Currently some magazines and periodicals use specific fields in their publications to describe the contribution of each author. It is noteworthy that the identity of scientific production is closely linked to the researcher and the institution to which he belongs. Institutional affiliation is an important requirement considered by the bodies responsible for evaluating the scientific productivity of teaching and research institutions. The Lattes Platform has attracted more and more individuals who register information about their professional, academic and research activities, presenting itself as an extremely rich and reliable source of information that can reveal the way in which Brazilian scientific research is being conducted in the various areas. of knowledge. Final Considerations: The elements of authorship and their attributions are essential in the process of preparing a scientific article. It is these instruments that will guarantee the quality, integrity, transparency of the work, as well as the identification, recognition and validation of authors and their scientific contributions.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2023 Ana Flávia Silva Nunes, Daniella da Silva Pessoa, Ícaro Kelvin Botelho Dias, Julie Hernandes Cussi Assunção e Silva, Marina Gonçalves dos Reis, Nicolle Esselin Lazarini Fazolino, Renata Rodrigues Bruno, Renner Alves de Oliveira, Wendell Giroldo Marçal, Rafael Lemes de Aquino