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Automedicação, uso irracional, antimicrobianos, resistência bacteriana.

How to Cite

Avancine Rocha, C., & Camargo, E. (2023). INADEQUATE USE OF ANTIMICROBIALS AND OTHER MEDICINES IN THE POPULATION OF MUNICIPALITIES IN THE STATE OF RONDÔNIA: Self-medication of antimicrobials. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(3), 385–400.


The irrational use of medicines is strongly influenced by issues such as self-medication, advertising and biased advertising. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), antimicrobial have been used many times inappropriately, without observing certain criteria, such as: time of use, suggested effective dosage, correct indications, among others, they can accelerate the defense mechanisms of bacteria, causing causing the drug to lose its effectiveness. Bacterial resistance is a rapidly growing global health problem, with varying prevalence among countries, and increasingly becoming a serious problem. The irrational use of antimicrobials can lead bacteria to adapt and multiply, increasing and promoting antibiotic resistance. Under the practice of storing medicines, it was observed that, according to the data obtained in the forms, in Teixeirópolis, approximately 78%, that is, 39 people interviewed, out of a total of 50, have the habit of storing medicines at home, in Mirante da Serra, 42 (84%) respondents said they do this practice and in the municipality of Ji-Paraná 81 (81%) of the 100 respondents. Therefore, it is important that there are always permanent actions aimed at health education, which are practical and effective, capable of involving the entire community so that situations like the one described in our study are minimized.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Camila Rocha, Ely Camargo