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Nursing. Risk classification. Public service.

How to Cite

da Silva Barbosa, A. K., Batista dos Santos , E., & Batista Carvalho , L. R. (2023). NURSING CARE TO THE PATIENT IN URGENCY AND EMERGENCY IN THE BRAZILIAN PUBLIC NETWORK. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(3), 220–235.


The health of the human being has always been an aspect of concern for humanity and nursing emerged to ease the suffering of the sick. Today it is a profession that operates at different levels of care, with emphasis on the emergency room. The nurse is an easily identifiable professional, but with great skills, a lot of knowledge and total dedication, who goes through adverse situations in his work, especially in the sector with such great and intense demand, which aroused the interest in the study. This research aimed to recognize nursing care for patients in urgent and emergency situations in the Brazilian public network. Data collection was carried out by searching articles indexed in the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) database of indexed studies using the descriptors: nursing, patient, emergency, and public network, prioritizing the period from 2012 to 2022, when they were found twenty articles, and inserted only eight for agreeing with the proposal. It was concluded that the performance of the professional nurse is respected, as well as his resourcefulness, his techniques, and protocols when he makes the service flow and make evident his importance in the face of the doctor's role and the expectation of the patient, and the family supported in the possibility that the Manchester Protocol gives you.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Ana Karen da Silva Barbosa, Edinalva Batista dos Santos , Lorena Rocha Batista Carvalho