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Implant, Materials, Patient.

How to Cite

Macari , J., Ferreira, M. S., Bella, A. P. G. S. N., Moerbeck-filho, P., Santos , L. L. dos, Silva, E. da, Cruz, R. M., Leite, T. de O., Almeida, V. S. de, Lacerda, E. M. C., Oliveira, J. P. L. de, Souza, F. P. de, Reis, M. A. J. dos, Santos, A. L. G. dos, Costa, J. N. do L., Lima, B. L., Botelho, L. S. S., Fonseca , W. C., Ferreira , E. P., Fraiha , N. M., Gomes , S. D. da S., Nascimento, A. P. S. do, & Medeiros, A. R. de. (2024). COMPLICATIONS OF PERI-IMPLANT SOFT TISSUE DEHISCENCE: A REVIEW OF ASSOCIATED FACTORS AND FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 3312–3320.



Given the importance of associated factors and the need for appropriate preventive strategies, this study aims to review the existing literature on complications of peri-implant soft tissue dehiscence, analyzing the associated factors and frequency of occurrence. From this review, we intend to provide a solid scientific basis for the implementation of clinical practices that minimize the incidence of this complication and improve the results of treatments with dental implants. The results of this review emphasize the importance of a multifaceted approach to preventing and managing peri-implant soft tissue dehiscence. The quality of the gingival tissues, the surgical technique, the type and positioning of the implant, the patient's oral hygiene, and rigorous post-operative care are crucial determinants. Furthermore, systemic and environmental factors, the biocompatibility of implant materials, and the surgeon's experience play significant roles. Multidisciplinary collaboration and technological advances emerge as important allies to improve clinical results. Therefore, careful assessment and detailed planning are essential to reduce complications and ensure the long-term success of dental implants, promoting a better quality of life for patients.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Juliana Macari , Marcio Salles Ferreira, Ana Paula Granja Scarabel Nogueira Bella, P Moerbeck-filho, Leidiane Lopes dos Santos , Evanio da Silva, Roberto Machado Cruz, Tiago de Oliveira Leite, Vilmar Santos de Almeida, Ellyciane Maria Cândido Lacerda, João Pedro Lopes de Oliveira, Fillipe Pontes de Souza, Marco Antônio Junqueira dos Reis, Ana Letícia Gonçalves dos Santos, Joenny Nathiele do Lago Costa, Bárbara Lisbôa Lima, Laura Stefanie Salgueiro Botelho, Wesley Castro Fonseca , Edilson Pantaleão Ferreira , Nemer Melo Fraiha , Siara Daniela da Silva Gomes , Ana Paula Santos do Nascimento, Alessandro Rodrigues de Medeiros