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Anesthetic Complications; Prevention of Complications; Early Diagnosis; Treatment of Complications; Rare anesthetic complications.

How to Cite

Cordeiro, M. H. Q., Barbosa, C. S., Sá, D. R. de, Salvi , C. H., Nieto, W. R. P., Nahas, T. F. D., Lima, M. K. A. de, Lima , V. de C., Alves , M. da S. O. P., Veloso , E. O., & Souza, T. D. de. (2024). ANESTHESIA IN PATIENTS WITH COMORBIDITIES: STRATEGIES AND CHALLENGES. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 3091–3101.


Anesthesia in patients with comorbidities represents a significant challenge for healthcare professionals. These patients, who have additional medical conditions beyond the primary reason for surgery, are at increased risk of perioperative complications. The anesthetic approach in these cases requires a thorough and personalized assessment, considering the complexity of comorbidities and their interactions with anesthetic agents. Strategies such as detailed preoperative planning, appropriate choice of medications and intensive monitoring during and after the procedure are crucial to minimize risks and ensure patient safety. Objective: Explore the strategies and challenges involved in administering anesthesia to patients with comorbidities. Methodology: The research was conducted through online access to the databases Documentation on Health Sciences in Latin America and the Caribbean (LILACS), Health Sciences Information Center in Latin America and the Caribbean (Bireme), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO) and Virtual Health Library (VHL) during the month of July 2024. Results and Discussion: The results indicate that the administration of anesthesia in patients with comorbidities requires a multidisciplinary and highly individualized approach. Detailed preoperative assessment, including the use of specific risk scales, is essential to identify possible complications and plan preventive interventions. Although there are significant challenges, implementing personalized protocols and collaboration between anesthesiologists, surgeons, and other healthcare professionals can substantially improve clinical outcomes in patients with comorbidities. However, the need for further research and continued development of specific guidelines is essential to further improve anesthesia practice in this population. Final Considerations:  In conclusion, detailed preoperative assessment, careful choice of anesthetic agents and strict monitoring are essential to ensure patient safety and well-being. The continuous evolution of anesthetic practices and protocols, combined with more research in the area, will be crucial to optimize the anesthetic management of this population.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Matheus Henrique Quezado Cordeiro, Cleber Santos Barbosa, Douglas Ribeiro de Sá, Carlos Henrique Salvi , Walter Rocha Passos Nieto, Thalles Felix David Nahas, Mac Kenzy Alves de Lima, Virgínia de Castro Lima , Monique da Silva Oliveira Pereira Alves , Emily Oliveira Veloso , Thaís Donadia de Souza