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Childhood Obesity, Adolescent Obesity, Mental Health, Psychosocial Factors, Multidisciplinary Intervention.

How to Cite

Dias, B. F., Salbego, J. E. A., Ribeiro, B. de M., Savio, R. W., Michelini, A. C. L., Schüür, A. P., Serpa, G. S. de M., Faustino, L. D., Eulálio, J. P. L. N., Costa, C. J. L., Sousa, T. M. de, Alves, C. M. C., Filho, R. W. O. C., Vale, R. V. do, Gomes, B. D. S., Ventura, A. F. G., & Danielli , C. (2024). CHILDHOOD AND ADOLESCENT OBESITY AND MENTAL HEALTH: IMPACTS AND PSYCHOSOCIAL FACTORS. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 3102–3109.


This article reviews the impacts of childhood and adolescent obesity on mental health and the associated psychosocial factors. Obesity in young individuals is strongly linked to mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. Stigmatization and weight-related bullying are critical factors that exacerbate these problems. The family environment, including parents’ mental health and parenting practices, plays a crucial role in shaping children’s and adolescents’ eating and physical activity habits, directly influencing the risk of obesity and psychological issues. Schools can be either supportive or stressful environments, depending on the presence of inclusion programs and health promotion versus bullying and discrimination. Additionally, social and economic factors, such as access to healthy food and opportunities for physical activity, are also important determinants. The review highlights the need for multidisciplinary approaches that integrate physical and mental health promotion, emphasizing collaboration among healthcare professionals, educators, and families to develop effective and sustainable long-term interventions.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Bianca Ferreira Dias, José Eduardo Aires Salbego, Bárbara de Melo Ribeiro, Roger William Savio, Ana Clara Loschiavo Michelini, Ana Paula Schüür, Gustavo Samuel de Moura Serpa, Layra D’andréa Faustino, João Pedro Libório Neiva Eulálio, Cícero José Lages Costa, Thifarny Maria de Sousa, Caio Márcio Coelho Alves, Robert Wall Oliveira Coutinho Filho, Rafaela Viana do Vale, Breno Da Silva Gomes, Ana Fabyolla Galindo Ventura, Carolina Danielli