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heart disease, health, Neonatal

How to Cite

Silva, J. C. da, Cruz, N. P. S. P. da, Silva, L. L. dos S., Dias, R. L., Teixeira , M. da S., Silva, R. de C. da, Silva, B. R. G. da, Oliveira, R. F. de, Pereira, M. da C. L., Silva, E. B. da, Cavalcanti, A. C. F., & Ferreira, I. B. (2024). PRINCIPLES OF HEART DISEASE IN THE NEONATAL ICU AND ITS CARE LITERATURE REVIEW. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 3018–3033.


When a baby is diagnosed with congenital heart disease, whether shortly after birth or later, parents are overcome with emotions of concern and apprehension, both in relation to the treatment and the possibility of losing their child. In this context, it is necessary to develop a technological tool that assists in the care after hospital discharge of children undergoing heart surgery. Care-educational technologies encompass resources that facilitate the teaching and learning process, contributing to the acquisition of knowledge and intervention in practical situations, with systematic evaluation and control. The objective of this study is to create a health educational website, aimed at guiding families and caregivers on the basic care that should be carried out at home by children with congenital heart disease after hospital discharge. This is a methodological study that aims to develop a website to help families and caregivers of children with congenital heart disease in the post-surgical period.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Juan Carlos da Silva, Nyedja Patricia Silva Pereira da Cruz, Lidiane Lima dos Santos Silva, Rosângela Lopes Dias, Midiam da Silva Teixeira , Raqueline de Cássia da Silva, Brena Rodrigues Gonçalves da Silva, Reginaldo Francisco de Oliveira, Maria da Conceição Lindinalva Pereira, Edson Barreto da Silva, Ana Carolina Freitas Cavalcanti, Isabelle Borges Ferreira