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Genetic Therapies, Stem Cells, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Innovative Treatments.

How to Cite

Alencar, R. A., Silva , A. C. G. M., Gonçalves , A. E. de S., Stanescu, S. R. M. da S., Aquino, F. H. T. de, Lima, C. da R., Moraes, R. F. da S., Nascimento, B. L. V. do, Lino, D. do N., Pontes , H. C. F., & Bloch , F. V. (2024). INNOVATIVE APPROACHES IN THE TREATMENT OF NEURODEGENERATIVE DISORDERS. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 3000–3010.


This paper delves into innovative approaches to treating neurodegenerative disorders, with a comprehensive focus on genetic therapies and stem cell applications. Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s present significant challenges to contemporary medicine due to their complexity and the lack of effective curative treatments. Genetic therapy, one of the latest innovations, shows promise by targeting and correcting the genetic anomalies that underlie these conditions. This approach includes techniques such as gene editing and viral vector-based gene therapy. Concurrently, stem cell therapies are emerging as a powerful method for regenerating damaged neurons and promoting neuroplasticity. The paper reviews current advancements and clinical trials related to genetic and stem cell therapies, discussing their efficacy, ethical and technical challenges, and future prospects. It suggests that the integration of these innovative strategies could offer new hope for patients with neurodegenerative disorders, emphasizing the necessity of continued investment in research and development to address the limitations of traditional treatments.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Rodrigo Araújo Alencar, Ana Carla Gardene Moreira Silva , Anannda Evellyn de Souza Gonçalves , Silvanna Raquel Marinheiro da Silva Stanescu, Fábio Henrique Tomaz de Aquino, Clebiana da Rocha Lima, Richard Franco da Silva Moraes, Daniele do Nascimento Lino, Hiara Cássia Fernandes Pontes , Fátima Valladares Bloch