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Pediatrics; Pneumonia; Bacterial pneumonia; COVID-19; Respiratory Infections

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Paula, A. C. R. B. de, Silveira, A. P. de O., Roque , C. de F., Rodrigues , E. C., Melo , I. B. B., & Soares, L. M. (2024). ANALYSIS OF THE EPIDEMIOLOGICAL PROFILE OF CHILDREN HOSPITALIZED WITH BACTERIAL PNEUMONIA IN A REFERENCE HOSPITAL BEFORE AND AFTER THE REOPENING OF SCHOOLS DUE TO THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 3233–3263.


Community-acquired bacterial pneumonia is a very common condition in the pediatric population, presenting as an inflammatory and infectious condition affecting the lung parenchyma. The clinical presentation of this condition may vary depending on the patient's age. Bacterial pneumonias, among all etiologies of pneumonia, typically have a less favorable outcome. With the COVID-19 pandemic, a global event that resulted in a public health crisis, control measures were implemented, including school closures and social isolation. Through these measures, a decrease in cases of bacterial respiratory infections was observed, followed by an increase after the reopening of schools and the relaxation of containment measures. OBJECTIVE: Compare data from the pediatric population of patients up to 12 years old with a diagnosis of bacterial pneumonia before and after the reopening of schools due to the COVID-19 pandemic at the Odilon Behrens Metropolitan Hospital. METHODS: A cross-sectional study conducted from October 2021 to September 2022 using the BOXPLOT chart as a measure to assess the variability of the distribution of the variables of interest. Student's t-test, Pearson's chi-square test, Fisher's exact test, and a significance probability (p) of 5% were used for the analysis of medical records. RESULTS: Medical records of 283 patients were analyzed, with 253 confirmed cases. Among them, 66 cases were during the closure of schools, and 187 cases were after the reopening. DISCUSSION: When analyzing patients with variables such as hospitalizations, use of ventilatory support, complications due to pleural effusion, age of children, vaccination status, mortality and antibiotic use. However, when correlating the diagnosis of bacterial pneumonia in patients with pleural effusion and the use of ventilatory support, a significant association was observed. CONCLUSION: It is concluded that among the study populations, there were significant associations according to variables related to pleural effusion and the number of antibiotic regimens, as well as an increase in the number of cases.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Ana Clara Rivetti Bitencourt de Paula, Ana Paula de Oliveira Silveira, Clara de Freitas Roque , Emanuela Carvalho Rodrigues , Izabela Bárbara Barros Melo , Lara Munhoz Soares