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Diagnóstico Precoce
Técnicas de diagnóstico e procedimentos

How to Cite

Ferreira da Silva Ribeiro, V. R., Gonçalves Ribeiro Felicio, L. R., Rego Ramos Pereira , I., Barbosa de Oliveira Roque , V., barros pinto , L. laieni, Barros de Sousa Marques, C., Rufino Nunes , J. E., Almeida da Silveira, V., de Moura Serra e Silva, M. E., Gomes da Silva , N. S., Araújo Rodrigues, A. L., & Rodrigues Alves Batista, B. (2024). AVANÇOS NO DIAGNÓSTICO PRECOCE DA ENDOMETRIOSE: MÉTODOS E DESAFIOS. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 3281–3291. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n7p3281-3291


This article aims to provide an in-depth look at recent advances and persistent challenges in early detection of endometriosis, with the aim of significantly improving the quality of life for people affected by this complex condition. To select the articles, the Scielo and Pubmed databases were used, with the search terms “Endometriosis”, “Early diagnosis”, “Diagnostic techniques and procedures”, combined by the Boolean operator “AND”. The results indicate that new early diagnostic techniques, such as contrast-enhanced MRI, 3D anorectal ultrasound and the integration of biomarkers, demonstrate great potential to improve both the accuracy and speed of identifying endometriosis.

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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Victoria Régia Ferreira da Silva Ribeiro, Lucas Rayan Gonçalves Ribeiro Felicio, Iaryma Rego Ramos Pereira , Vinicius Barbosa de Oliveira Roque , Leticia laieni barros pinto , Célia Barros de Sousa Marques, José Eduardo Rufino Nunes , Viviane Almeida da Silveira, Maria Eduarda de Moura Serra e Silva, Naryelly Stelyte Gomes da Silva , Ana Lúcia Araújo Rodrigues, Beatryz Rodrigues Alves Batista