Multidisciplinary Surgical Management Strategies for Pregnant Women with Psychiatric Disorders in Emergency Situations.
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Management, Clinical Care, Obstetrics.

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Machado, R. C., Melo, P. H. S., Silva, D. W. C., Silva, B. R., Lima, L. C., Túrmina, M., Ando, T. N. B., Santos, E. B., Borges, L. G. de O., Borges, B. C. A., Pereira, G. de O., Souza, P. J. A. de, Andrade, S. R. dos S., & Pompeu, V. M. (2024). Multidisciplinary Surgical Management Strategies for Pregnant Women with Psychiatric Disorders in Emergency Situations. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 2929–2944.


The postpartum period is divided into three phases: immediate (from birth to the 10th day), late (from the 11th to the 45th day) and remote (from the 45th day onwards). During this time, the woman goes through several physiological changes that can predispose her to complications. It is the nurse's role to offer personalized care to meet the needs of the postpartum woman, aiming to prevent possible pathologies. This study seeks to understand nursing care for women's health, focusing on postpartum complications. The objectives include understanding the factors that influence comprehensive care, discussing biopsychosocial changes during pregnancy and postpartum, and addressing the main complications during this period. To identify the responsibilities of nursing professionals in promoting assistance to women during the postpartum period, a study was carried out that consisted of an integrative review of the literature. Terms such as "Nursing Care", "Comprehensive Health Care", "Puerperal Disorders" and "Postpartum Period" were used. The research included studies published from 2017 to date, in databases such as MEDLINE, LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem, IBECS, CUMED, São Paulo State Health Department, CVSP - Brazil and São Paulo Municipal Health Department. During pregnancy, many changes occur in a woman's body, which are considered natural and affect both her physical and mental health. These changes continue postpartum, when the body returns to its pre-pregnancy state. Therefore, the woman becomes more vulnerable due to this entire process, being able to develop complications, such as infections, if there is an imbalance in these transformations, bleeding and issues related to the breasts, as well as the manifestation of emotional changes that can be observed during the post childbirth. Therefore, it is important that the nurse provides information about all the transformations that the woman's body goes through at this stage, even if they are considered normal, highlighting warning signs for possible complications and carrying out nursing consultations with a humanized approach, considering all aspects biopsychosocial assessments to identify the needs and complications that the postpartum woman may have, in order to offer assistance in an organized manner. Therefore, it is essential that nurses, together with the medical team, act to prevent health problems that may arise during pregnancy and postpartum, promoting health and ensuring that diseases are detected early to avoid further damage.
Keywords: Management, Clinical Care, Obstetrics.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Rodrigo Cury Machado, Paulo Henrique Santos Melo, Davidson Willian Camargos Silva, Bruna Rosa Silva, Luísa Canedo Lima, Milena Túrmina, Thalita Natanny Borges Ando, Elenito Bitencorth Santos, Luccas Galdino de Oliveira Borges, Beatriz Cuiabano Arruda Borges, Giovanna de Oliveira Pereira, Priscila Jorge Azevedo de Souza, Synara Regina dos Santos Andrade, Marcilio Pompeu