School intervention by medical interns inserted in Primary Care regarding combating abuse and sexual exploitation of children and adolescents: An Experience Report
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Sexual Abuse of Children and Adolescents, Professional Training, Social Vulnerability.

How to Cite

Dantas de Araújo Góis, A. V., Dantas, A. I. S. de L., Nascimento, A. R. C. de M., Lima Filho, C. A. A. de, Maia, D. H. de S. C., Viana, H. M., Carvalho, L. K. R. de, Santos, L. M. D. dos, Medeiros, L. C. de C., Bezerra, L. A. D., Aquino, P. de L. B., & Praxedes, S. A. (2024). School intervention by medical interns inserted in Primary Care regarding combating abuse and sexual exploitation of children and adolescents: An Experience Report. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 2945–2958.


Sexual violence against children and adolescents is a problem that has always been in our midst, and can be characterized by physical contact, undue exposure, coercion to watch or participate in sexual activities and commercial sexual exploitation, causing various physical and mental traumas. This article aims to report the importance of educating children and young people about the subject of sexual violence in health. The action was held in a unique meeting in the format of a conversation circle, using the following tools: booklet, word space, educational videos and “couscous pot” dynamics. Developed by medical interns at Faculdade Nova Esperança de Mossoró (FACENE-RN), under the supervision of the preceptor and doctor at UBS José Erivan (Serra do Mel-RN). It is concluded that trained education and health professionals are needed so that more situations of sexual violence are identified and reported, in addition to allowing the creation of an environment of trust and support for children, both in educational and health institutions , as well as in interpersonal relationships, assisting in the protection and well-being of minors in vulnerable situations.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Ana Valéria Dantas de Araújo Góis, Alexandra Isis Soares de Lima Dantas, Abraão Rosado Cantídio de Medeiros Nascimento, Carlos Alberto Alves de Lima Filho, Dannyelly Hylnara de Sousa Cavalcante Maia, Hugo Moura Viana, Layla Kathlien Ramos de Carvalho, Letícia Mariana Duarte dos Santos, Luana Christie de Castro Medeiros, Lucas Albuerne Diniz Bezerra, Penélope de Lima Bezerra Aquino, Sabrina Alves Praxedes