Home Intervention in Preventing Fall Risk in the Elderly: An Experience Report
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Accidents due to falls
Elderly Health

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Soares de Lima Dantas, A. I., Medeiros, L. C. de C., Carvalho , L. K. R. de, Maia, D. H. de S. C., Góis , A. V. D. de A., Nascimento , A. R. C. de M., Lima Filho, C. A. A. de, Praxedes, S. A., Viana , H. M., Bezerra , L. A. D., Santos, L. M. D. dos, & Aquino, P. de L. B. (2024). Home Intervention in Preventing Fall Risk in the Elderly: An Experience Report. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 3218–3224. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n7p3218-3224


Introduction: Falls in the elderly can indicate a worse quality of life, compromising functional capacity and independence. About 72.8% of falls take place at home, thereby stressing the need for preventive intervention in this environment. Preventing falls requires active and individual, with the involvement of health professionals offering strategies for risk assessment followed by guidelines to perform technical visits in elderly households. Objectives: The study’s objective was to describe the experience of medical students in applying an intervention project to prevent falls in the elderly, provide health information and education, improve care practices, and contribute to improving the quality of life of those elderly. Methods: The study was conducted by medical students in Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte, who carried out home visits to the residences of the elderly, under the supervision of health professionals. During the visits, risk factors for falls were identified, and guidance and improvement suggestions to prevent such accidents were provided. Caregivers of the elderly also received instructions on ways to prevent falls and mitigate secondary complications. Results and Discussion: The interventions underscored the preventive approach adopted to minimize the risk of falls and ensure the quality of life of elderly patients. The study also emphasized the importance of health education as a powerful tool in reducing the risk of falls in the elderly, emphasizing the need for a multidisciplinary and individualized approach for each patient. Additionally, the actions developed contributed to the learning experience of medical students, fostering sensitivity and a clinical perspective. Conclusion: The interventions aimed to reduce the incidence of falls in the elderly, thereby improving the quality of these patients’ life and life expectancy. Through a preventive and educational approach, the study contributed significantly to promoting the safety and well-being of the elderly.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Alexandra Isis Soares de Lima Dantas, Luana Christie de Castro Medeiros, Layla Kathlien Ramos de Carvalho , Dannyelly Hylnara de Sousa Cavalcante Maia, Ana Valéria Dantas de Araújo Góis , Abraão Rosado Cantídio de Medeiros Nascimento , Carlos Alberto Alves de Lima Filho, Sabrina Alves Praxedes, Hugo Moura Viana , Lucas Albuerne Diniz Bezerra , Letícia Mariana Duarte dos Santos, Penélope de Lima Bezerra Aquino