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Type 2 diabetes; DPP-4 inhibitors, Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, Glycemic control.

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Braga, B. de V., Paranhos, J. V. C. L., Carballal, M. C., Pessoa, I. C. C., Vela, A. N. E., Santos , ⁠Leonardo B. de M., Neto, A. Ângelo de M., Pessoa, M. E. de M. S., Carneiro, T. M., Filho, R. R. de L., Guadagnin, A. P., Almeida, A. H. A. da S., Karlburger, A. E., Pinto, B. B., Souza, T. C. de, Junior, D. D. da F., Torres, A. C., Silva, A. M. F. L. da, Silva, G. S. da, Lisbôa, J. B., Ferreira, K. M. C. da S., Senna, M. da S. C., Neres, L. S. D. C., Nagabe, L. N., Dumas, N. B., & Morais , S. D. (2024). COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE USE OF ALPHA-GLUCOSIDASE INHIBITORS AND DPP-4 INHIBITORS IN THE TREATMENT OF TYPE 2 DIABETES. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 2623–2638.


Considering the growing impact of type 2 diabetes on global public health, there is a justified need to explore effective therapeutic approaches. This study aimed to conduct a comparative analysis between alpha-glucosidase inhibitors and DPP-4 inhibitors, both used in the management of type 2 diabetes. To this end, a qualitative bibliographic review was conducted, covering multiple languages, using databases such as Scielo, Google Scholar, scientific journals, repositories, and virtual libraries. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied to select relevant studies that addressed the efficacy, side effects, mechanisms of action, and impact on glycemic control of these inhibitors. It was observed that DPP-4 inhibitors, such as Sitagliptin and Saxagliptin, are effective in reducing fasting glucose and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1C), in addition to presenting a favorable safety profile. On the other hand, alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, such as Acarbose, stand out in reducing postprandial glucose but are frequently associated with adverse gastrointestinal effects such as flatulence and diarrhea. It is concluded that both classes of drugs have their specific advantages, with DPP-4 inhibitors being more effective in reducing HbA1C and better tolerated, while alpha-glucosidase inhibitors are particularly useful for controlling postprandial glucose. The choice of treatment should be individualized, considering the efficacy, tolerability, and specific needs of patients. Future studies may explore therapeutic combinations to maximize benefits and minimize adverse effects, as well as investigate treatments based on genetic characteristics and specific biomarkers for a more personalized management of type 2 diabetes.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Bruno de Vasconcelos Braga, João Vitor Cunha Lima Paranhos, Matheus Cortizo Carballal, Iasmim Camila Chaves Pessoa, Ariana Nicol Eugenio Vela, ⁠Leonardo Barroso de Moraes Santos , Arnóbio Ângelo de Mariz Neto, Maria Eduarda de Melo Silva Pessoa, Tamile Machado Carneiro, Rigoberto Rodrigues de Lima Filho, Ana Paula Guadagnin, Anderson Henrique Araquam da Silva Almeida, Arthur Emil Karlburger, Bianca Borges Pinto, Thamiris Carvalho de Souza, Dinarthe Dantas da Fonseca Junior, Allana Carlos Torres, Alana Moury Fernandes Leite da Silva, Gabriel Santos da Silva, Jéssica Bittencourt Lisbôa, Keyze Mirelly Carneiro da Silva Ferreira, Mariana da Silva Carvalho Senna, Laura Stefani Da Costa Neres, Lisiane Nobuko Nagabe, Nathalia Brito Dumas, Sofia Dutra Morais