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Social media, Mental health, Depression, Anxiety, Youth, Stress, Low self-esteem.

How to Cite

Moura, A. da S., Sales, E. B. de S., Cursino, P. L. A. de M., Dias, M. F., Cruz, A. C. S., Aquino, J. L. L. de, Lustosa, L. de M., Souza, L. L. P. de, Dias, M. I. M., Gomes , D. C., Campos, F. M. de O., Vilela, Y. P., Gotardo, T. C., Costa, R. de C. V. H., Filho, F. B. P., Oliveira, T. C. de, Junior, J. C., Melo, M. R. S. D., & Cordeiro , L. P. (2024). THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EXCESSIVE USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA AND YOUNG PEOPLE’S MENTAL HEALTH. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 2602–2611.


This study explores the relationship between excessive social media use and mental health in young people. The research reveals that intense use of these platforms is associated with increased symptoms of depression and anxiety, reflecting the growing concern about the psychological impact of social media. Evidence analysis points out that frequent use contributes to issues such as low self-esteem and stress. The literature review indicates that both young adults and adolescents are negatively affected, showing a significant increase in emotional disorders due to prolonged exposure to social media. The main objective of the work is to better understand how excessive social media use influences mental health and to suggest strategies to mitigate these adverse impacts.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Armando da Silva Moura, Elvis Bezerra de Souza Sales, Patrícia Lohanna Aguiar de Medeiros Cursino, Matheus Furtado Dias, Ana Clara Sousa Cruz, Jean Lucas Lopes de Aquino, Leticia de Melo Lustosa, Luiza Lima Pinto de Souza, Matheus Inácio Morato Dias, Daniela Cavalcante Gomes , Fabrícia Martins de Oliveira Campos, Yasmin Pires Vilela, Taísa Cristina Gotardo, Ritta de Cássia Vilar Honório Costa, Flavio Barbosa Pinheiro Filho, Thiago Carvalho de Oliveira, José Camargo Junior, Mariana Roberta Santos De Melo, Ligia Pinheiro Cordeiro