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MMeningitis; Children; Brazil.

How to Cite

CAVALCANTE CARVALHO, C. V., Brito Martins, P. V., de Castro Beserra-Dias, I. C., Dalmaso Pieroni, L., Carvalho Abreu , A. C., Barreto da Silva, R., Amorim Araújo , J., Ribeiro dos Santos , A., da Silva Cavalcante , E., Duarte Cantanhede , J. A., Duarte Cantanhede, A. L., Dutra de Almeida, I., Nascimento Castro , C. C., Gomes de Melo , W. R., Monteiro Sodré , A., Oliveira Rodrigues, L., & Pinheiro Prates, M. (2024). CLINICAL-EPIDEMIOLOGICAL OVERVIEW OF CONFIRMED CASES OF MENINGITIS IN THE BRAZILIAN PEDIATRIC POPULATION: 10-YEAR ANALYSIS. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 28235–2846.


Meningitis is a public health problem that can affect any age group, but is especially common in children, as its etiological agents are bacteria, viruses, parasites and, rarely, non-infectious causes. The majority of clinical symptoms present as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, tachycardia, hypotension and petechiae on the skin. Thus, the study aims to evaluate the clinical and epidemiological profile of cases of meningitis, in Brazil, in pediatric patients, over 10 years. This is a descriptive, retrospective and quantitative study carried out using secondary data obtained by DATASUS and the Hospital Morbidity System (SINAN). The variables analyzed were: year of notification, capital of residence, age group, education level, color/race, sex, gestational period, type of dengue, confirmation criteria, evolution and hospitalization. Regarding the age range, individuals under 1 year old to 14 years old were considered. The most prevalent age group is preschool children between 1 and 4 years old (34.02%), male (59%), white (48.89%), residents of the State of São Paulo (40% ), confirming the diagnosis mainly through chemocytological examination of the cerebrospinal fluid. Furthermore, it is noted that the most prevalent etiology is viral. Therefore, carrying out additional investigations into the prevalence of meningitis in the Brazilian population is crucial for the development of public policies aimed at preventing and controlling the disease.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 CLARA VITÓRIA CAVALCANTE CARVALHO, Paulo Victor Brito Martins, Iane Camile de Castro Beserra-Dias, Lucas Dalmaso Pieroni, Ana Carolina Carvalho Abreu , Renata Barreto da Silva, Jaine Amorim Araújo , Andreia Ribeiro dos Santos , Erika da Silva Cavalcante , João Arthur Duarte Cantanhede , Ana Luísa Duarte Cantanhede, Iasmin Dutra de Almeida, Carla Cilene Nascimento Castro , Wellington Rodrigo Gomes de Melo , Andressa Monteiro Sodré , Luiza Oliveira Rodrigues, Malik Pinheiro Prates