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Fentanyl, Naloxone, Overdose, Opioids, Monitoring.

How to Cite

Paiva, M. F. de, Lopes, M. T. B. T., Barros, B. da S., Moura, A. da S., Lima, P. V. L. de, Dias, M. F., Cruz, A. C. S., Aquino, J. L. L. de, Lustosa, L. de M., Souza, L. L. P. de, Dias, M. I. M., Gomes , D. C., Campos, F. M. de O., Vilela, Y. P., Gotardo, T. C., Costa, R. de C. V. H., Filho, F. B. P., Tabanez, C. F. de R., & Junior , J. C. (2024). CHALLENGES AND STRATEGIES IN THE MANAGEMENT OF FENTANYL OVERDOSE AND THE USE OF NALAXONE. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 2492–2500.


Since the late 1990s, the United States has faced a serious opioid crisis, worsened by the spread of fentanyl. This crisis has evolved in three waves: prescription opioid abuse, increased heroin use, and fentanyl-related deaths. The high potency and rapid action of fentanyl, along with its presence on the illicit market, make the treatment of overdoses difficult and require new therapeutic approaches. Naloxone, effective against other opioids, is less effective against fentanyl due to its complex pharmacokinetics and adverse effects. Recent studies suggest the need for higher doses of naloxone, close monitoring, and respiratory support to improve clinical outcomes. Furthermore, there is an urgent need for more research to determine the optimal dosage of naloxone and evaluate new interventions. Adequate training of healthcare professionals and effective public policies are essential to combat the opioid crisis.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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HAN, Y.; YAN, W.; ZHENG, Y.; KHAN, M. Z.; YUAN, K.; LU, L. The rising crisis of illicit fentanyl use, overdose, and potential therapeutic strategies. Translational Psychiatry, v. 9, n. 1, p. 282, 2019. DOI: 10.1038/s41398-019-0625-0. Disponível em: Acesso em: [data de acesso].

Britch, SC, Walsh, SL Tratamento de overdose de opioides: abordagens atuais e avanços recentes. Psicofarmacologia 239 , 2063–2081 (2022).

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Mariana Farias de Paiva, Marcos Túlio Buarque Tenorio Lopes, Bruna da Silva Barros, Armando da Silva Moura, Pedro Vitor Leal de Lima, Matheus Furtado Dias, Ana Clara Sousa Cruz, Jean Lucas Lopes de Aquino, Leticia de Melo Lustosa, Luiza Lima Pinto de Souza, Matheus Inácio Morato Dias, Daniela Cavalcante Gomes , Fabrícia Martins de Oliveira Campos, Yasmin Pires Vilela, Taísa Cristina Gotardo, Ritta de Cássia Vilar Honório Costa, Flavio Barbosa Pinheiro Filho, Cássio Felipe de Resende Tabanez, José Camargo Junior