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Quality of life, Satisfaction, Total mucus-supported prosthesis, Total implant-supported prosthesis, Gynecological surgery, Technological innovations.

How to Cite

Alves, L. P., Schneider , F. F., Zamboni , S. B., Silva , A. C. G. M., Costa , V. M., Bastos, E. H., Furquim, Y. C. de A., Ferreira , J. S., Santos , I. S., Silva , C. A., & Farias , J. de A. (2024). CIRURGIA GINECOLÓGICA: INOVAÇÕES, DESAFIOS E PERSPECTIVAS FUTURAS. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 2452–2464.


This article aims to provide a comprehensive review of current medical literature on innovations, challenges, and future prospects in gynecologic surgery. In recent years, gynecological surgery has undergone significant transformations due to advances in minimally invasive technologies and the development of advanced surgical techniques. The review focuses particularly on the relationship between quality of life and patient satisfaction with different types of surgical interventions, including the comparison between mucus-supported complete dentures and implant-supported complete dentures. Google Scholar, Scopus and Web of Science were used as search engines to select articles using the keywords “Quality of life, Satisfaction, Mucus-supported complete denture, Implant-supported complete denture”. The results indicate that technological innovations, such as robotic surgery and advanced laparoscopy, have significantly improved clinical outcomes and patients' postoperative recovery. In particular, users of implant-supported complete dentures have a higher quality of life and satisfaction compared to users of mucus-supported complete dentures. However, significant challenges still need to be faced, such as the high cost of new technologies and the need for specialized training for healthcare professionals. The article concludes that despite these challenges, the future prospects for gynecological surgery are promising, with an expected increase in the adoption of advanced technologies that will continue to improve clinical outcomes and quality of life for patients.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Lucas Parizi Alves, Felipe Fraga Schneider , Sofia Barbosa Zamboni , Ana Carla Gardene Moreira Silva , Victoria Melo Costa , Eduarda Hannaui Bastos, Ynara Caroline de Abreu Furquim, Júlia SIlva Ferreira , Indra Silva Santos , Celijane Almeida Silva , Julyanna de Andrade Farias