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Brain aneurysm; Endovascular embolization; Open Surgery; Treatment; Complications.

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Antoniolli , C. A. P., Salvi , L. M., Salvi , C. H., Santos , S. F. S., Pereira , J. C., Sá, S. R. de, Diniz , P. S. M., Souza, L. F. de, Guerra, Ângelo V. de S., Vaz, S. B., Gerbase, J. M. L., & Nieto , W. R. P. (2024). MINIMALLY INVASIVE SURGICAL APPROACHES FOR THE TREATMENT OF BRAIN AEURYSMS: COMPARISON OF TECHNIQUES AND RESULTS. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 2309–2322.


Brain aneurysms represent a serious medical condition that can lead to severe and even fatal complications if not treated properly. In recent years, surgical approaches, including endovascular embolization and endoscopic-assisted neurosurgical clipping, have emerged as effective alternatives to traditional methods. These techniques offer the promise of less surgical trauma, faster recovery and better patient outcomes. Objective: Comparar as técnicas minimamente invasivas de embolização endovascular e clipping neurocirúrgico assistido por endoscopia no tratamento de aneurismas cerebrais, avaliado suas eficácias, vantagens, desvantagens e resultados clínicos. Methodology: The research was conducted through online access to the databases Documentation on Health Sciences in Latin America and the Caribbean (LILACS), Health Sciences Information Center in Latin America and the Caribbean (Bireme), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO) and Virtual Health Library (VHL) during the month of July 2024. Results and Discussion: The comparison between surgical techniques for the treatment of aneurysms reveals significant differences in terms of effectiveness. Embolization proved to be highly effective with a success rate of 90%, patients undergoing this technique had shorter recovery times and lower rates of postoperative complications compared to clipping. However, each technique has its limitations. Endovascular embolization may not be suitable for all types of aneurysms, and there are risks of recanalization over time. Final Considerations:  Choosing the most appropriate approach must consider the specificity of the aneurysms and the patient's condition. Both techniques have shown promising results, contributing to faster recovery and lower risks of complications, highlighting the importance of a personalized approach in the treatment of brain aneurysms.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Cleber Augusto Pessoa Antoniolli , Larissa Maria Salvi , Carlos Henrique Salvi , Samyra Fernanda Santos Santos , Juliana Cardoso Pereira , Sinara Rodrigues de Sá, Paulo Sérgio Machado Diniz , Lays Fernanda de Souza, Ângelo Vinícius de Souza Guerra, Sarah Borges Vaz, Jaqueline Maria Lima Gerbase, Walter Rocha Passos Nieto