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Cardiology, Pediatrics, Care

How to Cite

Cruz, M. N. da, Carneiro, L. C., Castro, N. A. de, Costa, R. R. da, Filho, C. I. de O., Santos, R. L. da S., Filho, A. B. M. A., Lima, K. C. R. de, Silva, B. L. P., Resende, S. M. M., Castro, C. R. de, Souza, R. A., Maia, L. F. da, Silva, D. W. C., & Pereira, J. A. da S. (2024). MULTIDISCIPLINARY APPROACH IN THE TREATMENT OF CARDIOVASCULAR EMERGENCIES IN PEDIATRIC PATIENTS. INTEGRATIVE REVIEW. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 2174–2183.


To evaluate the challenges in the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric primary arterial hypertension, considering the effectiveness of the diagnosis, adherence to treatment, quality of life, blood pressure control and long-term impact. Methods: This is an integrative review developed through research in the PubMed database, using the following search strategy (((Hypertension) AND ((Child) OR (Adolescent)) AND (((Treatment) AND (Diagnosis )) OR (Management))) NOT ((Adult) OR (Newborn) OR (Pregnancy)). 3075 articles were found, of which 60 articles were pre-selected after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria. 41 were removed after the selection. reading and initial analysis, totaling 19 for complete analysis. Results: The studies indicate the relationship between obesity and a sedentary lifestyle with cases of pediatric hypertension. increase in cardiovascular events. Dietary measures are emphasized as the main therapeutic approach, with few studies targeting medications used that are confirmed to be safe. Final considerations: The importance of lifestyle changes is highlighted, in addition to rigorous screening measures. in order to prevent future complications.

Keywords: Cardiology, Pediatrics, Care.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Micheline Nascimento da Cruz, Larissa Cozzolino Carneiro, Nelissa Abud de Castro, Ráysson Ribeiro da Costa, Celso Inocêncio de Oliveira Filho, Raquel Leonardo da Silva Santos, Anderson Bernardo Moreira Alves Filho, Kauanny Caroline Ribeiro de Lima, Bruno Labre Pontes Silva, Sávio Márcio Meireles Resende, Clara Rabelo de Castro, Reidson Araujo Souza, Leonardo Ferreira da Maia, Davidson Willian Camargos Silva, Julie Adriane da Silva Pereira