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Children, Mental health, Principles

How to Cite

Ramos, G. A., Gomes, L. N., & Miranda, T. W. (2024). MENTAL HEALTH IN CHILDHOOD AND ADOLESCENCE. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 2128–2138.


Conduct a narrative review on the impacts on the mental health of children and adolescents during periods of pandemic. Bibliographical review: The multiple consequences for children's and adolescent's mental health were analysed, evaluating the aspects related to the disease in question and its psychosomatic repercussions triggered or intensified in exceptional moments of social isolation. There was a prevalence of fear of losing family members or of becoming ill, to the point of triggering constant negative thoughts. Several events during the pandemic can be traumatic for this age group, be it confinement to small spaces, lack of social interaction or the threat of the disease, and can generate acute or chronic problems. Final considerations: Pandemics are associated with the most diverse implications in the lives of children and adolescents, and feelings of fear, boredom and loneliness can be observed, as well as changes in sleep, eating and behaviour patterns. Therefore, it is fundamental that the family assumes a role of protection and care, developing playful and practical activities to relieve stress, within a safe and welcoming environment, respecting the limits of a healthy routine and contributing to the preservation of well-being and mutual support within the community.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Guilherme Alves Ramos, Letícia Nacife Gomes, Thayze Werneck Miranda