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Public Health
Regional Disparities
Demographic Profile

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Oliveira , A. V. de, Gomes , M. de M., Pereira , G. N., Dumani , G. H., Rodrigues , E. de C. M., Arguello , V. F. B., Guimarães , F. S., Souza , D. S. C. de, Mattos , G. P. da S. de, Silva , V. A. A. da, Tissot , D., Pereira , G. da S., Andrade , P. A. de, & Nascimento , K. N. M. P. do. (2024). LEPROSY IN 2023: NATIONAL OVERVIEW AND REGIONAL CHALLENGES IN BRAZIL. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 3072–3081. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n7p3072-3081


Leprosy is a serious public health issue in Brazil, causing disabilities and stigma. The country ranks second in the world for the absolute number of cases. Caused by Mycobacterium leprae, the disease is associated with unfavorable socioeconomic conditions and can lead to symptoms affecting the skin, nerves, oral cavity, physical deformities, and disability. To analyze the prevalence and epidemiological profile of leprosy across different regions of Brazil in 2023. An ecological, retrospective, quantitative, and qualitative study using data from the Sistema de Informações de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN) of DATASUS, collected in July 2024. Public secondary data were analyzed in accordance with ethical principles. In 2023, 7,734 new cases were recorded. The prevalence was highest in the Northeast and North regions. Most cases (96.02%) occurred in individuals aged 15 years or older. There was a higher incidence in men (57.81%) and among people of mixed race (60.72%). The most common clinical form was the dimorphic type (51.25%). Leprosy remains a serious problem in Brazil, with significant geographic and demographic disparities. It is crucial to implement effective control strategies, focus on specific populations and the dimorphic clinical form, and continue technological advancements and treatment and rehabilitation strategies.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Alyne Vasconcelos de Oliveira , Manoela de Menezes Gomes , Guilherme Nascimento Pereira , Gabriela Hernandez Dumani , Evellyn de Cássia Martins Rodrigues , Victor Fernando Bogado Arguello , Felipe Souza Guimarães , Débora Santos Câmara de Souza , Gabriel Pereira da Silva de Mattos , Vinícius Augusto Alves da Silva , Diogo Tissot , Geedson da Silva Pereira , Pedro Alves de Andrade , Kethylin Nayari Macedo Pinto do Nascimento