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Paternal Age, Maternal Age, Pregnancy, Fertility.

How to Cite

Souza , R. F., Nascimento , M. E. B. do, Gazel , W. F., Brito , A. C. M., Ribeiro , D. M., Rodrigues , M. E. S., Lima , E. de H., Santos, N. T. P., Silva, T. Y. de A., Brito , G. de M., Tambara , M. F., & Machado , C. F. N. (2024). EFFECTS OF PATERNAL AGE ON FERTILITY AND FETAL DEVELOPMENT. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 2010–2018. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n7p2010-2018


Increasing male age is associated with increased time to conception and decreased pregnancy rates, and the effect of age is best assessed by studying pregnancy outcomes in couples utilizing oocyte donation, having male age as dependent variable. Increasing maternal age is associated with changes in sperm DNA integrity, differentiation, telomere length, mutation rate, chromosomal structure, apoptosis and epigenetic factors, leading to an increase in autosomal dominant mutations. Studies have shown that increasing paternal age affects pregnancy outcomes, but the effect is small and should not affect most couples' decision to have a baby. Older paternal age appears to increase the risk of miscarriage and other adverse birth outcomes, but this risk is lower than that associated with maternal age.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Rebeca Ferreira Souza , Maria Eduarda Bezerra do Nascimento , Welleson Feitosa Gazel , Ana Clarisse Morais Brito , Daiane Mendes Ribeiro , Maria Eduarda Salmem Rodrigues , Evelyne de Holanda Lima , Nathalia Telles Paschoal Santos, Thaynara Yasmin de Araújo Silva, Guilherme de Matos Brito , Mariana Fernandes Tambara , Christiane Freitas Nespoli Machado