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Bariatric Surgery, Anesthesia, Pain.

How to Cite

Godinho, E. M. M., Santana, A. B. T., Muniz , T. C., Irrazabal , L. A., Gonçalves, B. M., Miranda, N. G. G., Margon, O., Davanço, R. L., Bandeira , T. M., Santos , M. A. V. dos, Duarte , A. C. da S., Ripari , V. A., Paula , M. R., & Coscia , B. C. de S. (2024). ANESTHESIA AND PAIN MANAGEMENT IN BARIATRIC SURGERIES. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 1910–1926.


Proper management of anesthesia and pain in bariatric surgeries is essential for the success of the procedure and the patient's well-being. These surgeries, aimed at treating morbid obesity, present specific challenges due to the characteristics of the patients, who often have associated comorbidities. Therefore, a careful anesthetic approach and an effective pain control strategy are essential to minimize intraoperative risks and postoperative complications, promote faster recovery, and improve patients' quality of life. Objective: Identify best anesthetic and pain control practices to improve safety, efficacy and clinical outcomes in patients undergoing bariatric surgery. Methodology: The Cochrane, Scielo and Medline databases were used, searching for articles published between 2018 and 2024, in Portuguese or English. Final Considerations: Anesthesia and pain management in bariatric surgeries is vital for patient safety and comfort. Therefore, the combination of general anesthesia with regional blocks can reduce respiratory and cardiovascular risks. Furthermore, efficient postoperative pain control, through the combined use of opioid and non-opioid analgesics, accelerates recovery and reduces complications. Therefore, customizing these approaches according to patients' individual characteristics is crucial to optimize results and improve quality of life postoperatively.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Elis Miranda Mau Godinho, Ana Beatriz Tavares Santana, Thayná Campagnolo Muniz , Leandro Aparecido Irrazabal , Bruno Marinho Gonçalves, Neldy Gollub Gomes Miranda, Otávio Margon, Rafaella Luizetto Davanço, Thiago Maio Bandeira , Mariana Alves Vasconcelos dos Santos , Aline Cristina da Silva Duarte , Vitória Alagia Ripari , Murilo Rezende Paula , Bárbara Cirilo de Sá Coscia