Impacto da falta de escovação dentária e do consumo de alimentos açucarados na desmineralização da estrutura dental em crianças de até 12 anos
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How to Cite

Miller, R. L. D. S., Silva, G. V. A. da, & Vera , S. A. A. (2024). Impacto da falta de escovação dentária e do consumo de alimentos açucarados na desmineralização da estrutura dental em crianças de até 12 anos. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 2162–2173.


Regular brushing with fluoride toothpaste and controlling sugar consumption play essential roles in preventing the demineralization of dental structures in children up to 12 years old. Effective brushing removes plaque and food debris, preventing bacteria from producing acids that attack tooth enamel, while excessive sugar consumption provides the substrate for acid production. Studies show that the frequency and effectiveness of brushing are directly related to the prevalence of cavities, with recommendations to brush teeth twice a day, especially at bedtime and after meals, with parental supervision for young children. Limiting free sugar intake to a maximum of 10% of daily calories and replacing sugary foods with healthier options is also crucial. In summary, the combination of good oral hygiene and healthy eating habits from childhood protects teeth and ensures a healthy smile throughout life.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Roger Luís De Souza Miller, Guilherme Vitor Angelim da Silva, Saul Alfredo Antezana Vera