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Stroke; Epidemiology; Risk factor; Etiologies

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Kayser Torres dos Reis, L. R., Techio Bressan, E., Baccin da Luz, E., Coury Garla, M., Kayser Torres dos Reis, V. E., Endler Iachinski, R., & Rauber, R. (2024). STROKE ACCIDENT: COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE PROFILE OF ADMISSIONS AND MORTALITY RATE BETWEEN THE MUNICIPALITY OF CASCAVEL AND THE STATE OF PARANÁ, FROM 2016 TO 2023. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 2716–2733.


Introduction: Cerebrovascular diseases are extremely important in the context of public health, as they are the second biggest cause of death in Brazil, as well as the biggest cause of disability in the world. According to the Brazilian Stroke Society (SBAVC), approximately 70% of stroke victims do not return to daily and work activities after the event due to the consequences generated. Objective: The objective of this study is to compare, clinically and epidemiologically, the profile of hospitalizations and the mortality rate due to stroke in the municipality of Cascavel in relation to the state of Paraná, from January 2016 to October 2023, with an emphasis on epidemiological in etiology. Method: The study in question has an observational, descriptive and analytical epidemiological character, using information obtained from the DATASUS database for comparative elucidation. Analysis of results and discussion: There was a predominance of male hospitalizations in both regions, with the exception of cases relating to intracranial hemorrhage in the municipality of Cascavel, in which there was a slight majority of females. The data showed a higher number of hospitalizations and deaths in the white ethnic group, as well as in the older age group for all selected ICD-10 codes. The city of Cascavel had a lower mortality rate than the State of Paraná only in ICD I61, referring to intracranial hemorrhage, probably due to the presence of a specialized trauma center in the city. Final considerations: Based on the data collected, it was possible to analyze the hospitalization profile and mortality rate, in order to compare the results between the municipality of Cascavel and the State of Paraná, in the period chosen to carry out the analysis, seeking to understand how the municipality can improve its numbers regarding stroke.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Leonardo Rafael Kayser Torres dos Reis, Emanuelle Techio Bressan, Eduarda Baccin da Luz, Mariana Coury Garla, Victor Eduardo Kayser Torres dos Reis, Renato Endler Iachinski, Rafael Rauber