INTRODUCTION: Child malnutrition is a pathological state caused by a deficiency of essential nutrients in children's bodies, preventing their adequate growth and development. It represents a significant public health challenge in Brazil, affecting the physical growth and cognitive development of children. This study analyzes hospital admissions, associated costs and demographic characteristics of children with malnutrition in Brazil, aiming to inform health policies to mitigate its impact on the child population. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to analyze hospital morbidity due to child malnutrition in Brazil at the beginning of 2024, with emphasis on distribution by age group, patient sex, types of care and hospital costs. METHODOLOGY: This is a quantitative retrospective study using data from the SUS Hospital Information System (SIH/SUS), accessed via the TABNET/DATASUS secondary database. Hospitalizations, age range up to 9 years old, patient sex, types of care and hospital costs due to child malnutrition in Brazil between January 2024 and May 2024 were analyzed. The analysis used descriptive statistics and tabulation in a Microsoft Excel 2016 spreadsheet, with presentation of results in tables in Microsoft Word 10. RESULTS: Between January and May 2024, Brazil recorded 2,424 hospitalizations for child malnutrition. The Northeast Region led with 36.19% of hospitalizations, followed by the Southeast with 23.92%, while the North and Central-West had 13.70% each. In terms of hospital costs, the Northeast was predominant, totaling R$2,052,518.07, which represents 40.88% of the national total of R$5,022,842.16. The most affected age group was children under 1 year old, with 1,667 cases. The majority of hospitalizations were urgent, highlighting the need for improvements in prevention and early care. CONCLUSION: The data highlights the serious situation of child malnutrition in Brazil, highlighting the urgent need for integrated public policies to mitigate this problem. It is crucial to invest in nutrition education, equitable access to health services and support for vulnerable families to promote healthy and sustainable child development.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Igor Gabriel Mendes Costa, Marcos Rossi da Silva, Rômulo Geisel Santos Medeiros, Mariana Knop Belli, Maria Eduarda Simas Seide, Rafael Machado Tolló, Antonio Augusto Ribeiro Antunes, Cláudia Cordeiro Guerra, Mayara Victória de Sousa Silva, Murilo Henrique Lima Mineiro, Emílio Pires Diniz Neto, Elzanice de Fátima Brandão Falcão Felix, Carlos César Freire Fróes, Márcia Costa Lopes