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Osseodensification, Implant, Immediate loading, Osseointegration, Primary stability..

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Macari, J., Araújo, W. P. de, Bella, A. P. G. S. N., Ferreira, M. S., Moerbeck-filho, P., Coelho, M. G., Silva, L. C., Moura, C. C. L. de, Cruz, R. M., Andrade, I. S., Araújo, V. G., Neto, W. C., Braga, I. F. P., Rigoni, A. C., Pereira, D. S., Nascimento, J. A. A. do, Morales, L. G. S., Castro, T. R. M. de, Petyk, W. S., Avelar, V. L., Oliveira, J. M. de, Coelho, T. M. K., & Santos, D. S. (2024). ADVANCES IN OSSEODENSIFICATION IN IMPLANTODONTICS: CLINICAL BENEFITS, EFFECTIVENESS IN OSSEOINTEGRATION AND FUTURE PERSPECTIVES. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 1729–1738.


The present study aims to critically review the advances in osseodensification in implant dentistry, analyzing its clinical benefits, effectiveness in osseointegration and exploring its future perspectives in clinical practice. An extensive literature review was carried out to identify relevant studies regarding the proposal of the present study. Electronic databases, such as PubMed, Scielo and Google Scholar, were consulted to obtain published articles. Articles were selected that directly address the topics of osseodensification, clinical benefits, osseointegration of implants and future perspectives in implant dentistry. Osseodensification demonstrates significant benefits in clinical practice, including greater primary stability of implants, reduced healing time and improved bone quality around implants. Studies show that the simultaneous compaction of cortical and trabecular bone promotes a favorable biological response, facilitating the formation and maintenance of osseointegration. Furthermore, osseodensification opens up new possibilities in immediate implant loading and guided bone regeneration, expanding the spectrum of clinical indications in contemporary implant dentistry. Advances in osseodensification represent a milestone in implant dentistry, offering professionals an effective technique to optimize clinical results and promote better predictability of dental implant treatments. The study reinforces the importance of osseodensification as a valuable tool in the therapeutic arsenal, highlighting the need for more research to consolidate its role in future clinical practices.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Juliana Macari, Waléria Pinheiro de Araújo, Ana Paula Granja Scarabel Nogueira Bella, Marcio Salles Ferreira, Moerbrck Filho, Maxwell Gonçalves Coelho, Leandro Campos Silva, Caio César Lima de Moura, Roberto Machado Cruz, Ian Silva Andrade, Vinicius Garcia Araújo, Wilton Costa Neto, Isabelle Fabianne Pereira Braga, Andréa Carvalho Rigoni, Denyse Salvino Pereira, Jennifer Amanda Assis do Nascimento, Luis Gustavo Soares Morales, Thomas Robson Mangini de Castro, Weslley Souza Petyk, Valéria Lima Avelar, Josué Miguel de Oliveira, Tulio Marcos Kalife Coelho, Daiane Souza Santos