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Electrocardiogram, Interpretation, Analysis.

How to Cite

Costa, L. de O. jacome, Espindola, J. de A., Corbelli, V. de C. R., Baião, L. G., Monteiro, L. F., Mendes, T. dos S., Rocha, J. N., Drumond, M. M., Costa, A. V. S., Coelho, G. S., Fonseca, J. A. S. da, & Luz, L. T. L. (2024). INTERPRETATION OF THE ELECTROCARDIOGRAM LITERATURE REVIEW. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 1707–1718.


The first human electrocardiogram was recorded in 1887 and the electrocardiograph was invented in 1902. This is a tool for evaluating heart disease because it shows how electricity from the heart flows across the surface of the body. It's safe and cheap. Medical students and doctors have difficulty understanding electrocardiograms, so new software and digital technologies help. These digital tools improve knowledge, understanding and learning in medical education. The objective of this systematic literature review is to evaluate the teaching of electrocardiogram interpretation in the medical field and determine which method is most suitable for teaching: traditional, with face-to-face classes, digital, using digital platforms or a combination of both. After the exclusion criteria, twelve scientific works were evaluated that address the period of medical education in the interpretation of electrocardiograms, using the terms electrocardiogram, teaching or learning, computer or web-based software and their content in English. After the review, it can be concluded that the use of digital platforms has improved the interpretation of electrocardiograms due to availability at more flexible times and locations, as well as repetition as necessary. But students don't like this approach because there are no set schedules, students need discipline and there is no group interactivity. This shows that this type of teaching should be used as a complement to traditional teaching.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Luana de Oliveira jacome Costa, Jalila de Arêdes Espindola, Victória de Cássia Ribeiro Corbelli, Leticia Grossi Baião, Lauren Felipe Monteiro, Thalyssa dos Santos Mendes, Jade Novaes Rocha, Mariana Moreira Drumond, Ana Victoria Santos Costa, Gabriella Simões Coelho, José Augusto Silva da Fonseca, Luciana Toffoli Lemos Luz