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Physical activity; health-disease process; socio-economic conditions; health promotion.

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Souza, Érica M. M. de, Soares, D. C., Vieira , J. L., Junior, E. B. de L., Junior, A. S. C. B., Mendes, I. R. dos S., Carvalho, M. P. de, Coelho, S. R., Ribeiro, E. F. de S., Dutra, J. T., Oliveira, R. G. de A., & Gonçalves, T. R. (2024). PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, HEALTH-DISEASE PROCESS AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONDITIONS: A LITERATURE REVIEW. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 1927–1945.


The intricate interplay between physical activity, the health-disease process, and socio-economic conditions has been a subject of profound scientific inquiry over recent decades. Understanding the complex connections among these elements holds a pivotal role in health promotion and the formulation of effective strategies for disease prevention and intervention in public health. Physical activity, as an essential component of the human lifestyle, plays a multifaceted role in maintaining health and reducing the risk of chronic diseases. However, engagement in physical activities can be profoundly influenced by socioeconomic factors that shape access to resources, opportunities, and pertinent information. This literature review aims to critically examine the extensive array of studies exploring the relationship between physical activity, the health-disease process, and socio-economic conditions. Our analysis delves into both the health benefits of physical activity and how socio-economic conditions can act as social determinants of health, affecting participation in physical activities and influencing the health-disease process. Furthermore, this review seeks to highlight potential interventions and avenues for future research that may contribute to a more equitable and comprehensive approach to health promotion and disease prevention. As we delve into the available evidence, our review underscores significant findings that substantiate the positive association between regular physical activity and various aspects of human health. Additionally, we distinctly identify how socio-economic conditions can shape patterns of physical activity and subsequently impact the health of different population segments. The critical analysis of these findings allows us to comprehend the intricacies of the interactions between physical activity, socio-economic conditions, and health, providing valuable insights for intervention strategies and health policies aimed at addressing existing health disparities. Throughout this article, we will meticulously explore the available evidence, discuss the implications of these findings, and provide a comprehensive view of potential approaches to promoting physical activity and improving health across diverse populations.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Érica Motta Moreira de Souza, Denilson Costa Soares, Jailton Luiz Vieira , Eliel Bezerra de Lima Junior, Ary Sergio Coutinho Barbosa Junior, Isis Regina dos Santos Mendes, Marise Palmeira de Carvalho, Simony Ricci Coelho, Eliane Ferreira de Souza Ribeiro, Joel Teixeira Dutra, Rodolfo Gomes de Araujo Oliveira, Thiago Rodrigues Gonçalves