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Efeitos Adversos

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Medeiros, G. dos S., Trigueiro Silva, M. de F., Abreu de Lira, F. E., de Oliveira Prata Pessoa, C., Sousa, A. B. V., Suassuna de Aquino, A. C., & Marinho de Lima Junior, U. (2024). RISCO DE MIOCARDITE APÓS VACINAÇÃO CONTRA COVID-19 EM CRIANÇAS DE ATÉ 12 ANOS. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 2398–2419. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n7p2398-2419


Introduction: The recent COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in an unprecedented global health crisis. Fortunately, the race for the accelerated development of vaccines allowed a coping strategy that allowed the resumption of relative normality, but not before bringing other challenges with it. The adverse effects resulting from vaccination were one of the points of criticism for those who questioned the safety of the vaccines. Myocarditis, in particular, has often been cited as a justification for vaccine hesitancy. Objective: To analyze and answer the question: “Do COVID-19 vaccines cause myocarditis in children up to 12 years of age?” Methods: Integrative Literature Review, carried out on the Medical Publisher (PUBMED) search platforms; Virtual Health Library (VHL) and Brasil Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO), using Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS) in English associated with the use of the Boolean operator (AND) – "COVID-19 Vaccines" AND "Myocarditis" AND "Incidence" AND "Children", after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, twelve (12) articles were selected to constitute the research. Results: Although some studies show various adverse reactions, such as: mood changes, fatigue, sleep disturbances, pain at the injection site, fever, localized inflammation and arthralgia, the prevalence of myocarditis was not seen, which is more prevalent in patients with adjacent comorbidities (n=05; 41.6%). Conclusion: According to the selected studies, there is not enough scientific evidence to point out the relationship between vaccination against COVID-19 and the occurrence of adverse events, such as myocarditis, in children up to 12 years of age.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Gabriel dos Santos Medeiros, Maria de Fátima Trigueiro Silva, Francisca Evelyn Abreu de Lira, Camila de Oliveira Prata Pessoa, Ana Beatriz Vieira de Sousa, Ana Caroliny Suassuna de Aquino, Umberto Marinho de Lima Junior