Incidence and prevalence of rectal prolapse in psychiatric patients
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Prolapse rectal; Psychiatrics patients; Anorexia; Bulimia

How to Cite

Rosa Filho, A. A., de Moura Castro, L. M. A., & Pol Fachin, L. (2023). Incidence and prevalence of rectal prolapse in psychiatric patients. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(2), 251–258.


Regarding the connection between psychiatric illness and the incidence of rectal prolapse, it's certain that do not exist consensus about the chronic use of antidepressant or anxiolytic medications, which are the most used substances among psychiatric patients, and the development of an eventual prolapse o f rectum, either because it causes constipation or sphincter relaxation. However, when talking about anorexia, and especially bulimia nervosa, it`s observed that the excessive manipulation of purgatives, which hurt the tissue of the digestive system and results in a lot of consequences in this body system, which include the possibility of rectal prolapse.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Aldo Alves Rosa Filho, Larah Maria Assis de Moura Castro, Laercio Pol Fachin