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Parafunctional behaviors, Stress, Herpes, Ulcer.

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Moreira , M. V., Silva , D. de M., Carmo , P. F. do, Rabelo , R. B., Brito , K. T. de, Béda , N. S., Lopes , E. V. F., Barbosa , M. L. G., Dias , R. B. S., Araújo , I. E. S., Lino , A. J. G. B., & Santos , K. A. C. (2024). EFFECTS OF STRESS ON ORAL LESIONS: LITERATURA REVIEW. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 1609–1617. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n7p1609-1617


The imbalance of harmony between body and mind is what leads to the development of stress-related illnesses. Many pathologies studied today have a close relationship with stress, and establishing the stress/disease relationship is fundamental for the study of dentistry students and professionals. Stress is characterized as the body's response to physical, psychological and infectious attacks capable of disturbing its balance. Excess stress, whether due to great intensity or duration of the offending agent, is capable of producing changes at any neuroendocrinoimmune level in the body, thus establishing the stress/disease relationship, which explains the participation of psychic factors in the development of certain conditions in the oral mucosa. Being related to conditions such as periodontal disease, lichen planus, geographic tongue, herpes simplex and aphthous ulceration, emotional stress can also result in temporomandibular disorders. It is necessary to emphasize that these conditions must deserve special attention from the dentist, who, in turn, is part of a multidisciplinary team in patient care, and it is necessary to refer the patient with one of these conditions associated with stress to specialized professionals, for adjunctive therapy, exercises, which can greatly improve the results of dental treatment.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Maiana Vaz Moreira , Daiany de Mendonça Silva , Paola Fereirra do Carmo , Rannya Bernandes Rabelo , Kayron Tiago de Brito , Nathalia Silva Béda , Eduarda Vitória Freitas Lopes , Maylon Luciano Garcia Barbosa , Raquel Beatriz Silva Dias , Isaura Elisa Silva Araújo , Ana Julia Garcia Brod Lino , Kauan Arthur Costa Santos