Emergency Surgical Protocols for Pediatric Patients with Heart Tumors
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Protocols, oncology, surgery, hospital

How to Cite

Maia, L. F. da, Costa, A. K. A. A., Melo, P. H. S., Andrade Filho, R. de M., Santos, G. P. dos, Cunha, J. H. da S., Borges, L. G. de O., Borges, B. C. A., Machado, R. R., Andrade, G. D., Rocha, G. V. de B., Oliveira, V. S. de, Lucena, H. C. A. de, Braga, M. de A., & Caixeta, J. H. P. N. (2024). Emergency Surgical Protocols for Pediatric Patients with Heart Tumors. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 1232–1240. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n7p1232-1240


ABSTRACT: This review article discusses surgical methods for the treatment of heart disease in minors with revealed tumors, highlighting the news and consequences for clinical practice. In the introduction, the subject is highlighted due to the prevalence of heart disease and the difficulties associated with its treatment. The technique consists of a comprehensive search in scientific databases, using specific key terms and strict inclusion and exclusion standards. The results are summarized in topics on myocardial revascularization, arrhythmias, heart valve replacement and repair, and minimally invasive methods. Each subject addresses the effectiveness, safety and clinical results of these techniques. The discussion emphasizes the value of individualized assessment and considers issues and suggestions for future research. The conclusion summarizes the results and emphasizes that cardiac surgeries are evolving and that new integrated and innovative therapeutic approaches are needed. This study provides a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of surgical approaches to treating heart disease. It also helps with clinical practice and research in the field.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Leonardo Ferreira da Maia, Ana Klara Antunes Alves Costa, Paulo Henrique Santos Melo, Rodrigo de Moura Andrade Filho, Gabriel Pereira dos Santos, João Henrique da Silva Cunha, Luccas Galdino de Oliveira Borges, Beatriz Cuiabano Arruda Borges, Ramane Rezende Machado, Gabriel Damasceno Andrade, Gabriel Vinícius de Brito Rocha, Vanessa Soares de Oliveira, Heitor Costa Azevedo de Lucena, Marcella de Almeida Braga, José Henrique Pereira Nunes Caixeta