Challenges of Mental Health in Advanced Age: Depression and Anxiety
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Aging; Therapeutic Interventions; Treatment Accessibility.

How to Cite

Joverno Domingues , L., Viana de Castro Paganucci , V., Vieira Corrêa , L., Migliorini , N., & Souza Ribeiro , S. (2024). Challenges of Mental Health in Advanced Age: Depression and Anxiety. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 2090–2103.


Evaluating the effectiveness and safety of mental health interventions for the elderly requires a comprehensive approach that considers both the benefits and potential risks associated with these treatments. A detailed analysis of therapeutic techniques and outcomes is essential to ensure that mental health treatments provide appropriate care while minimizing any potential adverse effects.

The effectiveness of mental health interventions in advanced age is measured by their ability to improve therapeutic precision, reduce recovery times, and lower complication rates. Treatments such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), interpersonal therapy (IPT), and pharmacotherapy are constantly being refined to enhance therapeutic outcomes. Clinical and laboratory studies are fundamental to testing these aspects, ensuring that new techniques deliver the promised benefits.

The safety of mental health interventions is a constant concern. The technologies involved, including telehealth systems and psychotropic medications, undergo rigorous evaluation to determine their potential to cause complications, including treatment errors, equipment failures, or adverse reactions. Continuous research and regulatory review are crucial to ensuring these interventions remain safe for long-term use, especially considering their growing application in various mental health treatments for the elderly.

In addition to the effectiveness and safety for patients, the training and proficiency of mental health professionals in using advanced therapeutic techniques are gaining importance. Mastery of these interventions requires significant investment in education and ongoing training to ensure healthcare professionals are well-prepared to use these advanced technologies effectively. Standardizing operational protocols and providing adequate technical support are essential for the successful implementation of mental health interventions on a large scale.

Moreover, the economic implications of mental health treatments cannot be overlooked. The costs associated with the acquisition, maintenance, and operation of advanced therapeutic systems are considerable, and these factors must be balanced with the potential benefits in terms of patient outcomes and healthcare system efficiency.

In summary, evaluating the effectiveness and safety of mental health interventions for the elderly is a complex process that involves multiple aspects, from therapeutic precision and patient recovery to professional training and economic considerations. An integrated and continuous approach to research and development is essential to ensure that mental health interventions provide effective and safe treatment options, contributing to advances in elderly care.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Laís Joverno Domingues , Vitória Viana de Castro Paganucci , Laura Vieira Corrêa , Nicole Migliorini , Stéfane Souza Ribeiro