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Premature newborn; Neonatology; Risk factors; Causality

How to Cite

Martins , K. P., Cardoso , D. A. de S., Escobar , V. C., Souza, D. T. de, milacki , C., Sousa, A. C., Barbosa, V. de F. B., Machado, E., Lepinski , A. G., & Gomes , M. P. G. (2024). RISK FACTORS AND PREVENTION OF PREMATURITY. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 1062–1071. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n7p1062-1071


Objective: To identify the risk factors and causes of neonatal (NB) births in hospitals. Methods: Documentary, descriptive and quantitative research was carried out in hospitals in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The population consisted of 58 newborns whose medical records were completed at the university. The search for premature babies was carried out in the obstetrics and gynecology department of the institution, and data was collected through the medical records of newborns and mothers. For data entry and analysis, Microsoft Excel 2013 software was used and for statistical analysis, the Nursing Database (BDENF), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO), PubMed and Literature in Health Sciences of Latin America and the Caribbean were used. (LILACS). Results: The results obtained from the study on risk factors associated with stillbirth include maternal age, gestational age, genetic and physical history, lifestyle and many birth histories. And the stated reasons are female reproductive system, menstrual changes and hypertensive disease. The study also presents data on two types of births: accidental births and elective births. Conclusion: It is important for health professionals to identify the risk factors and causes of premature birth when caring for pregnant women through prenatal counseling. Therefore, the conclusions of this study related to the educational training and technical development of professionals can contribute to optimizing the planning of health policies aimed at specific populations.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Karoline Petricio Martins , Dalva Aparecida de Souza Cardoso , Victoria Cristina Escobar , Danielle Talita de Souza, Cilmara milacki , Adenilton Costa Sousa, Viviany de Fatima Brito Barbosa, Elizeu Machado, Andressa Gabriele Lepinski , Maxilene Padilha Gonçalves Gomes