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Gastritis, Proton pump inhibitors, H2 receptor antagonists, Pharmacological treatment.

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Moura, F. C. L. de S., Paula, L. da F. P. C. de, Sarmento, P. M. de S., Ferreira, N. S. de M. R., Mello, G. B. V. de, Leite, M. de A., Costa, G. de B., Pessoa, I. C. C., Távora, C. A. D. R., Britto, L. C., Lima, C. B. N., Santos, L. B. de M., Neto, A. Ângelo de M., Paiva, S. F. G., Freire, S. Z., Souza, C. N. A. V. de, Mota, A. I. R. S., Chiavini, M. S., Madeira, P. R. da S., Barreto, H. A. F., Angelo, V. D. P. M., Carvalho, L. L., Lacerda, Y. E. R., & Neta, R. de L. B. F. (2024). COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE USE OF PROTON PUMP INHIBITORS AND H2 RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS IN THE TREATMENT OF GASTRITIS. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 965–980.


Considering the high prevalence of gastritis and its significant impact on patients' quality of life, this research was justified to understand and compare the efficacy and safety of the two main groups of drugs used in the treatment of gastritis: proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and H2 receptor antagonists (H2RAs). The objectives were to review and synthesize the existing scientific literature on the efficacy and safety of PPIs and H2RAs, compare their mechanisms of action, side effects, and clinical outcomes, identify best practices for the use of each therapeutic class in different clinical scenarios, and provide evidence-based recommendations to guide the choice of the most appropriate treatment for patients with gastritis. To this end, a qualitative bibliographic review was conducted, utilizing databases such as Scielo, Google Scholar, scientific journals, academic repositories, and virtual libraries, including materials published in multiple languages. Thus, it was observed that PPIs demonstrated greater efficacy in suppressing acid secretion and healing gastric lesions, but with a long-term safety profile that includes potential serious side effects. H2 receptor antagonists, although less potent, presented a relatively better safety profile. It was concluded that, although PPIs are generally preferred for severe acid hypersecretion conditions, the choice between PPIs and H2RAs should consider the individual risks and benefits for each patient, in addition to their specific clinical conditions.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Felipe César Lopes de Souza Moura, Letícia da Fonte Porto Carreiro de Paula, Pâmela Morett de Sena Sarmento, Nathália Simões de Medeiros Rufino Ferreira, Guilherme Barros Vieira de Mello, Marina de Araújo Leite, Guilherme de Barros Costa, Iasmim Camila Chaves Pessoa, Cecília Avellar Diniz Rebêlo Távora, Lara Casimiro Britto, Camilla Baldin Novaes Lima, Leonardo Barroso de Moraes Santos, Arnóbio Ângelo de Mariz Neto, Sylvia Ferreira Grisi Paiva, Simone Zanetti Freire, Carla Naiara Amorim Vieira de , Souza, Ana Ingrid Riva Sampaio Mota, Mariê Scortegagna Chiavini, Paloma Raissa da Silva , Madeira, Hellen Acácia Félix Barreto, Victor Delano Pereira Matias Angelo, Luísa Leite Carvalho, Yuri Eulálio Raposo Lacerda, Rosa de Lourdes Beltrão Firmino Neta