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Respiratory Diseases
Respiratory Physiotherapy

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Gonçalves Palacio Ferreira, A., Jaegge, N. A. R., Ferreira Filho, R. de S., Teixeira, P. D., Oliveira, J. M. M. de, Domingues, M. G. da C., Freire, P. B., Bastos, J. C. C., Rodrigues, B. L. P., Falcade, S. S. V. dos R., Ferreira, C. M., Silva, V. V. M. da, & Ferreira, V. M. (2024). RESPIRATORY PHYSIOTHERAPY AS A TOOL FOR IN-HOSPITAL REHABILITATION OF INFANTS WITH PNEUMONIA. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 1147–1163.


Pneumonia is one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality in infants, often resulting in prolonged hospitalizations due to respiratory failure and associated complications. This disease affects approximately one to three children per 1,000 live births in developed countries, and up to 30 children in developing countries, leading around 10 to 15% of neonates to die. In this context, given the high burden of morbidity and mortality associated with pneumonia and its frequent involvement in neonates, the present study is justified. It aims to evaluate the effectiveness of in-hospital respiratory physiotherapy in the early rehabilitation of newborns with pneumonia, reducing the length of hospital stay and improving the patients' functional and pulmonary capacity. For this study, we collected original and review articles published in the last 22 years, in English and Portuguese, from the main bibliographic reference databases, such as SciELO and PubMed, in order to increase the reliability of the information presented. The study showed that respiratory physiotherapy is a vital intervention in the in-hospital rehabilitation of infants with pneumonia, improving clinical outcomes and reducing length of stay. Various techniques can be used, such as postural drainage, chest percussion, vibration and breathing exercises, which facilitate the mobilization and elimination of lung secretions, improve alveolar ventilation and reduce airway resistance. In addition, respiratory physiotherapy can speed up the resolution of respiratory symptoms, reduce the incidence of atelectasis and improve blood oxygenation. Early and continuous intervention is essential to prevent chronic complications, such as bronchopulmonary dysplasia, and promote faster recovery of lung function. In addition, the application of these techniques reduces the need for invasive ventilatory support and the duration of oxygen therapy, resulting in shorter hospital stays and lower hospital costs. Thus, training health professionals in respiratory physiotherapy techniques is crucial to maximize therapeutic benefits, and the approach should invariably be multidisciplinary, which guarantees the maintenance of the patient's health, leads to the early evolution of the condition and minimizes the problems related to pneumonia in infants affected by the disease.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Arthur Gonçalves Palacio Ferreira, Nicole Almeida Ramos Jaegge, Rogério de Souza Ferreira Filho, Paula Delesposte Teixeira, João Marcos Moreira de Oliveira, Matheus Gonçalves da Costa Domingues, Pedro Bandoli Freire, Júlia Câmara Caldeira Bastos, Beatriz Lorena Pedrosa Rodrigues, Saionara Sá Vaz dos Reis Falcade, Caio Muniz Ferreira, Victor Versiani Meireles da Silva, Vitor Muniz Ferreira