Permissive hypercapnia in neonatology in the prevention of bronchopulmonary dysplasia: a systematic review.
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Keywords: Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia; comorbidities; mechanical ventilation; Infant; Premature; Hypercapnia.

How to Cite

Amorim Dias, S., de Jesus, N. kelly, de Freitas Cunha, A. L., Torres Simões, B. M., Santos Souza Moreira, C., Ramos, E. F., Meira de Almeida, G., Pastore Gorritti , L., & Pereira de Albuquerque, T. (2023). Permissive hypercapnia in neonatology in the prevention of bronchopulmonary dysplasia: a systematic review. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(2), 153–161.


Objective: To analyze the effects of permissive hypercapnia in reducing lung injury and the development of BPD in newborns in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Methodology: This is a systematic review, using Pubmed, Electronic Library Online (Scielo) and Lilacs databases. Being articles and literature described in English, Portuguese and Spanish. Result: This study identified that most authors obtained benefits related to the use of permissive hypercapnia in the short term, in the duration of the use of mechanical ventilation and oxygen supplementation, however, the potential benefits of exposing children to hypercapnia do not seem to be improve pulmonary outcome and in some studies outcomes are accompanied by neurological sequelae. Conclusion: The evidence of efficacy for the prevention of BPD is inconclusive in relation to conventional ventilation, the current concept that maintaining PaCO2 levels between 45-55 mmHg in high-risk NBs is safe and inconsistent, requiring further randomized studies and clinical trials that demonstrate benefits without presenting greater risks.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Samuel Amorim Dias, Nayara kelly de Jesus, Ana Livia de Freitas Cunha, Bianca Maciel Torres Simões, Camila Santos Souza Moreira, Eldya Flávia Ramos, Géssica Meira de Almeida, Laura Pastore Gorritti , Tiago Pereira de Albuquerque