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Sexually transmitted infections; Gestation; Vertical transmission

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Nascimento, M. E. B. do, Sá, M. V. A. de, Mendes, A. E. S., Nunes, L. G., Campos , A. G., Oliveira , B. S. M. de, Povoleri, F. G. C., Barros, M. R. de, Souza , R. A. P. de, Carvalho , J. H. R., Oliveira, L. A. A. de, & Oliveira , J. V. de. (2024). TRACKING AND TREATMENT OF SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS (STIs) IN PREGNANT WOMEN. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 821–831.


Introduction: Diseases transmitted in pregnant women can cause adverse effects on pregnancy due to vertical transmission, increasing morbidity and mortality in pregnant women and their babies. STIs in pregnant women can cause stillbirths, premature birth, low birth weight, sepsis, blindness, pneumonia and birth defects. Objective: By reviewing the literature on the epidemiology of STIs in pregnant women in Brazil, we aim to reduce STI cases and protect the fetus from the various consequences that can result from vertical transmission. Methods: This study was carried out through an integrated literature review, focusing on scientific articles published in the databases MEDLINE (Medical Literature Analysis and Online Retrieval System), LILACS (Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences) and BDENF ). The following terms were used in the study (“STI” and “pregnancy” and “vertical transmission”). Results: As a result of the analysis of the selected works, the deficiencies in prenatal care related to the prevention of syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases during pregnancy and without the use of condoms, show the importance of early diagnosis and treatment, thus reducing the transmission rate vertical. Conclusion: It is clear that the adequate treatment of pregnant women with STIs focuses on issues related to their impact on neonatal mortality. This is because these diseases have negative effects on the pregnant woman, the fetus and development after birth.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Eduarda Bezerra do Nascimento, Marcos Vinicios Alves de Sá, Alan Eduardo Seglin Mendes, Lohanna Gama Nunes, Adilson Gomes Campos , Bruna Stéfanny Mota de Oliveira , Felipe Guimarães Cardão Povoleri, Matheus Rodrigues de Barros, Rodrigo Aleixo Pereira de Souza , José Henrique Resende Carvalho , Lucas Avinner Afonso de Oliveira, João Vitor de Oliveira