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Art; Art therapy; Mental health; Psychology.

How to Cite

Aurélio, S. M., Savariego, B. de O. B., Macedo , A. de S. C., Diógenes , J. L. P., Silva , G. U. da, Neiva, A. M. S., Rios , C. de C., Lorena, G. C. de, Silva , R. B. B. da, Correia, J. L. da S., Silva, B. R. M., Simões, R. B. J., & Mendonça , L. C. de. (2024). IMPACT OF MUSIC AND ART ON MENTAL HEALTH: EMERGING THERAPEUTIC APPROACHES. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 640–657.


In recent years, interest and research into the role of music and art as therapeutic tools in promoting mental health has grown. Studies have shown that these forms of expression not only offer a means of communication and self-expression, but can also contribute significantly to the psychological and emotional well-being of individuals. Objectives: Investigate the impact of music and art as emerging therapeutic approaches in promoting mental health. Methodology: The research was carried out through online access to the National Library of Medicine (PubMed MEDLINE), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO), Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS) databases in June 2024. Results and Discussions: It is highlighted that both music and art have a significant positive impact on the mental health of individuals. Music, for example, has been shown to be effective in reducing stress, improving mood, and promoting relaxation. Furthermore, participation in artistic activities, such as painting, sculpture and dance, proved to be beneficial in emotional expression and the construction of a personal narrative. The application of these emerging therapeutic approaches can offer effective alternatives to traditional treatments, allowing for a more holistic and person-centered approach. Including artistic activities in mental health care programs can not only improve psychological symptoms, but also promote a sense of accomplishment and self-esteem in patients. Conclusion:  In short, music and art emerge as promising therapeutic approaches to promote mental health. The studies reviewed highlight the significant benefits of these forms of expression in reducing stress, improving mood, and promoting self-expression and emotional well-being. Incorporating these practices into mental health care can provide valuable alternatives to traditional methods, offering patients a creative and effective way to deal with their emotional challenges. However, more research is needed to better understand the underlying mechanisms and adapt these approaches to the specific needs of the individuals and communities served.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Salete Martens Aurélio, Bárbara de Oliveira Baptista Savariego, Amanda de Souza Chaves Macedo , Jennifer Laura Perdiz Diógenes , George Utta da Silva , Aline Marques Santos Neiva, Cristiane de Carvalho Rios , Guillermo Cândido de Lorena, Roberta Brito Bezerra da Silva , José Luíz da Silva Correia, Bruce Ramos Menezes Silva, Raíssa Boscá Jezini Simões, Lívia Cruz de Mendonça