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Male contraception

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Araújo, A. H. M., Oliveira, F. C. M., Leal, I. B. F., Andrade, I. F. de, Santos, V. A. de L., Silva, A. X. M. da, Saraiva , B. C., Sousa, M. A. de, Pinto, L. M. F. L. V., & Santos, E. V. de L. (2024). RISUG - REVOLUTIONARY TECHNIQUE OF INJECTABLE MALE CONTRACEPTION: A BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 732–747. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n7p732-747


The need to develop new forms of contraception aimed at the male population has been discussed since the twentieth century. Among the non-hormonal approaches to male contraception, RISUG® (Reversible Inhibition of Sperm Under Guidance) has emerged as innovative in the current context of contraception and in blocking the transmission of the HIV virus. The present study aims to investigate the publication profile on the non-hormonal male contraceptive - RISUG. It is a systematic literature review with a bibliometric approach, using PUBMED as the research database and employing the English descriptors "Contraceptive, male" AND "RISUG," selected through consultation with the Health Sciences Descriptors Portal (DeCS/BVS). Out of the initially selected 32 studies, after applying inclusion filters: publications from the last 10 years (2012-2022), language (Portuguese and English), and inclusion of the descriptor "RISUG" in the title, a final sample of 9 studies resulted. There was unanimity in language of writing, which was English, as well as in the database, which was PubMed. The majority of publications were in 2018 and 2019, in seven different journals, ranging from Qualis Capes B3 to A2. Reproductive Toxicology and The Indian Journal of Medical Research encompassed the highest number of publications, with two papers each. It is concluded that the number of publications on the male contraceptive method RISUG is still not significant, indicating the need for more research and scientific studies on the topic.

PDF (Português (Brasil))


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Antonio Hitalo Mamédio Araújo, Fernanda Clara Marinheiro Oliveira, Iago Brenner Farias Leal, Izabelly Ferreira de Andrade, Victoria Andrade de Lima Santos, Amanda Xavier Miranda da Silva , Bárbara Carlos Saraiva , Mariana Alves de Sousa, Lara Maria Ferreira Lopes Valério Pinto, Everson Vagner de Lucena Santos