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Infertilidade; Síndrome do ovário policístico; Indução ovulatória.

How to Cite

Sampaio, B. R., Czarnobay Dezen, M., Araújo Lourini, A. L., da Silva Vidal, V. M., Silveira, E. R., Prado Fontanella, R. S., Lima Rosa, C., Lima Valle Folha Salvador, D., de Paulo, L. G., Rufini Pereira, J., dos Santos Souza, E., Reissureição Galindo, A. M., Cruz Torres, L. M., Kremer Gambá, L., & Bahia Rigaud, J. (2024). TRATAMENTO DA INFERTILIDADE EM PACIENTES COM SÍNDROME DOS OVÁRIOS POLICÍSTICOS. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 1115–1136.


One in ten women of reproductive age are affected by Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). This syndrome is a common and treatable cause of infertility. Furthermore, it should also be highlighted that investigating the relationship between PCOS and infertility is very important to not only preserve or restore fertility, but also to reduce symptoms and prevent complications. Therefore, this article seeks to present, through a systematic review, the relationship between PCOS and the particularities in the treatment of infertility. Therefore, there is no definition in the literature of a single treatment for infertility in PCOS, but rather that it should be initiated, preferably, non-pharmacologically with changes in lifestyle, and sometimes involves the induction of ovulation and, in some cases, assisted reproduction techniques and ovarian drilling. The use of clomiphene citrate was then highlighted as a possible first pharmacological option. Evidence was found that metformin, letrozole, inositol and antidiabetics are also effective medications. Ovarian surgery and the use of gonadotropins were found to be a choice in cases of lack of success with other treatments. Alternative treatments such as acupuncture and the use of medicinal herbs, despite not having a completely clear therapeutic efficacy, can be beneficial for regulating the menstrual cycle. Therefore, this article aims to gather current information on the management of infertility in women with PCOS and, in this way, explain therapeutic options, leaving it up to the specialist to choose the best approach, individually, and based on the best available evidence.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Copyright (c) 2024 BIANCA SAMPAIO, Mirielly, Ana, Victor Matheus, Emmanuela Regina , Roberta Sandoval , Camila, Drielly , Luiz Gustavo , Jhennifer , Eduardo , Antônio Marcos , Lara Maria , Laiza, Juliana