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Neoplasia Maligna
Neoplasias da Mama
Registros de Mortalidade

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Lopes, L. dos S., Lima, B. B., Printes, B. C. C., Silva, C. B. S. da, Rodrigues Mendes, C. C., Danda, C. L., Godinho, E. B. L., Mann, H. G., Mendes, I. S., Lenza, I. N. de S., Caetano, J. M., Soares, L. B., Araújo, M. V. C. de, Telles, M. G. B., Gondin, P. R., Fernandes, R. K., Ferreira, T. dos S., & Fontana, A. P. (2024). MORTALIDADE POR NEOPLASIA MALIGNA DE MAMA ENTRE 2018 E 2022 NO BRASIL. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 872–884.


INTRODUCTION: Breast malignancy is a considerable public health condition, with both national and global relevance. OBJECTIVE: To analyze and describe the panorama of mortality due to malignant breast neoplasia between 2018 and 2022 with predictions until 2025. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The present epidemiological study is characterized as analytical and descriptive ecological, whose purpose is centered on the quantitative exposure of the condition mortality due to malignant breast neoplasia in Brazil in the years 2018 to 2022. The research includes data from “Vital Statistics” in the item “Mortality – since 1996 by ICD-10”, in particular records from the “General Mortality” section, covering Brazil by region and federation unit, contained in the Information Technology Department of the Unified Health System (DATASUS). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: In 2018, mortality from malignant breast neoplasia in Brazil was 8.52 deaths per 100 thousand inhabitants. The following year, the observed value increased to 8.71 and in 2020, the indicator returned to 8.52. In the years 2021 and 2022, there was a slight increase to 8.61 and 9.01 respectively. According to projection statistics, in 2023, the forecast was 9.01 (IC 95%: 8.74 to 9.29), for 2024 it is estimated 9.11 (IC 95%: 8.84 and 9.39) and in the year 2025 9.21 is expected (IC 95 %: 8.94 and 9.49). FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: A pattern of gradual increase is observed, interspersed with small variations, which indicates the need for attention. Future forecasts suggest a continuation of this increase, which highlights the importance of a more in-depth analysis of the possible underlying causes and the implementation of measures to prevent and mitigate the effects of this scenario on the population's health.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Lettícya dos Santos Lopes, Bianca Brito Lima, Bianca Cantuária Coutinho Printes, Clara Beatriz Sousa da Silva, Clara Cecília Rodrigues Mendes, Clara Lima Danda, Elisa Brollo Luz Godinho, Heloísa Guimarães Mann, Islaínne Silva Mendes, Izabella Nogueira de Souza Lenza, Juliana Miranda Caetano, Luísa Barreiros Soares, Maria Vitória Clemente de Araújo, Matheus Gabriel Bonfim Telles, Priscilla Rosa Gondin, Rafaella Khouri Fernandes, Thaís dos Santos Ferreira, Ana Paula Fontana