Can the battery level of wireless LED photoactivators influence the properties of composite resin?
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Composite Resins
Dental Restoration Failure

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Felizardo, K. R., Gozzi Bonfim, C. V., Ahuendrya da Silva dos Santos, E., Venciguerra Almeida, I., Aparecida Dias Cinquini, L., & Baena Lopes, M. (2024). Can the battery level of wireless LED photoactivators influence the properties of composite resin? . Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 533–545.


The clinical longevity and success of composite resin restorations are directly related to the polymerization process. Although these devices show great evolutions, some LED units can still be influenced by the battery level during clinical care, thus affecting the irradiance and compromising the properties of the restorative material. The aim of this study is to evaluate, through a literature review, whether the level of charge of LED light curing devices influences the properties of composite resins. For the selection of articles, a search was performed in the PubMed/Medline, Scielo and Scopus databases, using the following descriptors: dental restoration failure, polymerization, light emitting diode and composite resins). To filter the articles, the advanced form system “AND” was applied and the manual search method in the reference list of selected articles was used. Based on the bibliographical survey carried out, the battery level of different LED fixtures can influence the irradiance and degree of conversion of composite resins, causing failures in physical and mechanical properties. Therefore, you should always keep the photo-activator device charged.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 KLISSIA ROMERO FELIZARDO, Camilly Vitória Gozzi Bonfim, Emanuely Ahuendrya da Silva dos Santos, Isabelle Venciguerra Almeida, Ludmylla Aparecida Dias Cinquini, Murilo Baena Lopes