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hospital malnutrition; respiratory failure; intensive care unit

How to Cite

Gornattes , L. P. J., Santana, K. B. de S., Ordones, E. da R., & Silva , L. H. L. (2024). INFLUENCE OF MALNUTRITION ON PATIENTS WITH RESPIRATORY FAILURE ADMITTED TO INTENSIVE CARE UNITS. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 235–248.


Malnutrition is considered a risk factor in patients who are in intensive care, mainly because inadequate nutritional intake can lead to changes in body composition, generalized loss of muscle mass, worsening of respiratory muscle performance, resulting in increased time in mechanical ventilation. Objective: To analyze the effects of malnutrition in individuals with respiratory failure and its repercussions on the respiratory muscular system of patients in Intensive Care Units. Methodology: An integrative literature review study was carried out, through data collection in the SCIELO and VHL databases. Results and Discussion: The results discussed demonstrate that malnutrition influences the respiratory system, leading to morphofunctional changes that worsen in the presence of respiratory failure, leading to a drop in muscular performance with a greater tendency to fatigue, a higher incidence of pulmonary infections due to changes in cellular immunity and difficulty in weaning during mechanical ventilation. Patients undergoing balanced nutrition programs demonstrated greater success in improving the pulmonary defense mechanism, a better possibility of reversing changes in the ventilatory response and increasing tolerance to respiratory muscle training. Conclusion: Malnutrition is one of the determining factors in the general condition of critical patients, as it leads to a significant reduction in body muscle mass, compromising respiratory functions, which can lead to muscle fatigue and acute respiratory failure.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Larissa Pires Jacome Gornattes , Keila Beserra de Sena Santana, Eduarda da Rocha Ordones, Luiz Henrique Leite Silva