Trajectories of Perinatal Depressive Symptoms and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes in Bariatric Patients
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Perinatal depression; Depressive symptoms; Pregnancy; Bariatric patients.

How to Cite

Caldas, E. P. R. de, Araujo, A. G., Lopes, S. E., Costa, C. M. M., Kuriki, F. de J. A., Galvão, A. C. M. L., Felix, G. O., Faletti, C. B., Sampaio, I. dos S., Dutra, M. P., Reis, V. H. G. G. dos, & Rossi, M. G. (2024). Trajectories of Perinatal Depressive Symptoms and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes in Bariatric Patients. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 463–473.


Perinatal depression is a prevalent and heterogeneous condition associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes. Understanding the diverse trajectories of depressive symptoms during pregnancy and their implications is crucial for targeted interventions. Objective: This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to synthesize evidence from studies exploring trajectories of perinatal depressive symptoms and their relationship with adverse pregnancy outcomes. Methods: A comprehensive search on PubMed and other databases yielded 328 studies, of which 6 were included. Studies employing various methodologies, including growth mixture modeling and longitudinal analyses, were considered. Results: Findings revealed distinct trajectories of perinatal depressive symptoms, including stable low, high antenatal, and episodic patterns. Women experiencing worsening depressive symptoms during pregnancy had a higher risk of adverse outcomes such as preterm birth and neonatal complications. Conclusion: Identification of heterogeneous trajectories of perinatal depressive symptoms underscores the need for personalized screening and intervention strategies. Early identification and targeted support tailored to specific symptom trajectories are essential for improving maternal and child health outcomes.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Erica Patricia Ramalho de Caldas, Ana Gabriela Araujo, Sálua Elisandra Lopes, Claudiele Maria Mariano Costa, Fernanda de Jesus Abrantes Kuriki, Anna Caroline Moreira Lima Galvão, Gabryella Oliveira Felix, Camila Barbosa Faletti, Isabella dos Santos Sampaio, Mariana Perin Dutra, Victor Hugo Gonçalves Guimarães dos Reis, Matheus Garcia Rossi